Message from @YGN Manta

Discord ID: 554136503861903380

2019-03-10 02:59:33 UTC


2019-03-10 02:59:37 UTC

shes 14

2019-03-10 02:59:39 UTC

iā€™m not kaitlyn

2019-03-10 02:59:41 UTC


2019-03-10 02:59:46 UTC

it was leaked

2019-03-10 02:59:47 UTC

ur 19 right

2019-03-10 02:59:49 UTC

nor am i 14

2019-03-10 02:59:55 UTC

iā€™m not 19 either LOL

2019-03-10 02:59:59 UTC

shes 14

2019-03-10 03:00:04 UTC

without a job

2019-03-10 03:00:06 UTC


2019-03-10 03:00:07 UTC

lol you dumbass

2019-03-10 03:00:08 UTC


2019-03-10 03:00:15 UTC

imma ask again

2019-03-10 03:00:20 UTC

anyone wanna cuddle

2019-03-10 03:00:21 UTC

cunt is 14

2019-03-10 03:00:22 UTC

imagine believing a troll

whos kaitlyn

2019-03-10 03:00:32 UTC

@lexi no one

2019-03-10 03:00:37 UTC

trust a troll more than u

2019-03-10 03:00:39 UTC

someone wants to cuddle

2019-03-10 03:00:42 UTC

i know it

2019-03-10 03:00:43 UTC

lol ok buddy

2019-03-10 03:00:47 UTC


2019-03-10 03:00:48 UTC

yeah its you and nobody else

2019-03-10 03:00:51 UTC


2019-03-10 03:00:57 UTC

nem lets cuddle

2019-03-10 03:01:03 UTC

no me

2019-03-10 03:01:08 UTC

I wanna cuddle nem

2019-03-10 03:01:10 UTC


2019-03-10 03:01:16 UTC

Kodak share

2019-03-10 03:01:17 UTC


2019-03-10 03:01:19 UTC

group cuddle

2019-03-10 03:01:20 UTC

this is so sad

2019-03-10 03:01:21 UTC


2019-03-10 03:01:32 UTC


2019-03-10 03:01:37 UTC

ill cuddle moomin and drink almond milk by myself then

2019-03-10 03:01:44 UTC

fatlexis can't get a cuddle irl or online

2019-03-10 03:01:44 UTC

<:PepeCozy:516564813741293568> <:PepeCozy:516564813741293568> <:PepeCozy:516564813741293568> <:PepeCozy:516564813741293568> <:PepeCozy:516564813741293568>

2019-03-10 03:01:45 UTC

i am the white womans whore