Message from @Praeceptor
Discord ID: 489792986394394624
haha i'm making a redpill pinterest board
haha estoy en el internet
a mi me gusta el pornohabbo
Sorry I don't speak south of the border
tu eres la frontera ahora, gringo
cartel fortanitto borgoro
Good ol' world politics.
oh, right
today it's american whining day
that's the only way to call it
Happy birthday!
israel is p gay ok ty
Thoughts on the KKK?
more like gaygaygay
too american to be of any worth
KKK are retarded edgelord larpers
with no real motive
come o
they let their movement get invaded by jews fags and niggers
My Bullwhip account was disabled
I was a contributor level here
This is my new account
I was a librarian
@everyone I was Bullwhip and my account got booted... Please send me invites if you know me, trying to get my server list back up... Thanks
Whatever the level than can post content in the various rooms