Message from @LSDMAYO
Discord ID: 527927898393280523
No nedd for that
I'm telling you there is, because my answer would be different depending on which definition.
Stop dancing around the question
I'm not dancing around anything you subhuman faggot.
Ok Amerimutt
Define the question. If it's the White Nationalist interpretation of race IE; the preservation of phenotypical superficialities at the expense of the immaterial/ethnic/cultural manifestations of the biological/genetic/physical reality then no. I have no interest in saving something that, at current point, has zero consequential value.
Stop dancing around the question like a nigger trying to avoid capture
Low IQ untermensch accusing his betters of being niggers.
Look, the reason i'm telling you to read is because Nazis aren't keyboard warriors. Instead they are men of curiosity and will. We can have a pointless argument here on the internet in which i will fail to tell you absolutely anything. I am not a writer nor a talented talker. That's why i'm telling you to read.
And, you presumptuous cunt, I'd venture to guess I've read all of those books before you were born.
Fine, why would you want to save your own kind? @Volkswächter
@Volkswächter How far can you run
Define fascism then @Volkswächter
All the pornstars with big tits I like are white, so I don't want to see them go.
go to <#389419016898215936> or smth
I have a very low opinion of classical European Fascism and differentiate National Socialism from Fascism. I have nothing good to say about Oswald Mosley or Mussolini. Their top downward approach, state corporatist economic leanings and Mosley's desire to preserve a multi-racial empire disgust me.
no no no
i can see you havenvt even bothered to research fascist sources
u wot
Again, you presumptuous cunt, I've read Mussolini's Doctrine and 90% of Mosley's works.
Mosley had some really good points
And if that's good enough for you, then good for you.
Mussolini's book is pure politics, Fascism is not.
That's your own transposition of ideology onto what is a political vehicle.
Tell me again where the first futurist movements emerged? Mussolini's Italy? I don't agree with a social order that allows those sorts of things to exist.
I liked Mosley's approach on things.
Because you're ideologically possessed and transposing your own individualistic values onto the words and image of another. His approach to things amounted to preserving the British empire which is as Jewy as one can get.
Well, defense beats attack, in my opinion.
What does that even mean and how is that even vaguely related to what I said.
"Mosley had no problem with retaining India because defense is better"
btich, what?
Preserving the empire.
I often see people advocating for warmongering, conquest and other shit about wanting to follow war with more war.
Mosley seemed more concerned about securing his country's safety and stability.
"An army to defend your people, not attack others."
Mosley wanted to preserve the empire, Hitler trained Indians and created the Indian Legion to resist Jewry in India. 🤔
Hitler is still celebrated as a liberator in India today 🤔 🤔