Message from @Alibaba
Discord ID: 548848788488454155
Unironically linking me to prageru videos
Go back to mowing lawns Derryl
Said like a true leftist - unable to refute or discuss any of the information presented, repeat the same dumb, unoriginal ad hominem lines.
Said like a true leftist - unable to refute or discuss any of the information presented, repeat the same dumb, unoriginal ad hominem lines.
You refuse to argue yourself and instead link a video. I think it's fair for me to link a video in response 😂
Which you, ironically enough, fail to refute or discuss "Like a true leftist"!
wtf are you on? I was refuting and discussing your claim of being a fascist, your child-like responses are just dumb. When your worldview aligns with CNN.
do you even know what ironically means?
You literally send me a prager u video
Are you senile yet
You refute jack shit yourself
Either way, I'd rather be a leftist than a neocon lol
I sent you a video discussing why collectivism/fascism is a leftist trait, you were called out as a leftist and your response was that you are a fascist. I have shown you that you are a leftist, you are ignorant.
again, neocon is leftist - its a group ideology, are you learning yet?
No buddy my response was the video I linked
Silly you!
thankyou for admitting you are a leftist.
Ok boomer lmao
Literally too afraid to watch a video
Someone called me a leftist for not believing in the Q LARP, and I said no, I am a fascist. Only then did you link your video accusing me of actually being a leftist!
and what have I said that is different from that?
In response to your video which I have already laughed at many months ago, I presented a suitable response.
My response to your video wasn't that I am a fascist - your response to me saying I was a fascist is that video.
I will watch your video, when I finish work - unlike you I dont get paid per message.
Dude I wish some stupid kikes in Yidsrael would pay me to shill in here. Sadly they probably like me less than you.
then why are you here
As I said previously, I think this server was briefly partnered with the one I regularly frequent
which is?
Outer Heaven
dont know it
watching both vids to see if theres any way out of this discussion other than ignoring u both
fuckoff woof
Biggest He will not divide us server when that was still a thing @ᶜʳᶦᵗᵗᶻ
ok I watched it, didnt like or agree with Bat'ko - hes a self declared Anarchist. The comments section was more interesting - I liked this one in particular.
I think you are missing the larger point here. The labels right and left are really irrelevant except to indicate a polarization. Communism and Socialism are classified as left-wing. Fascism shares it's most important characteristic with them; that is simply, state > individual. You could just as easily reverse the argument and say Communism and Socialism are right-wing because they are aligned with Fascism in that idea. In which case you would have to say Anarchy is on the left, because it is diametrically opposed.
The fundamental principle which determines where something falls on the political spectrum is which is supreme, the state/collective or the individual. You can't have Fascism on one pole and Communism and Socialism on the other when their fundamental principle is shared. Ideologies that tend toward state supremacy / collectivism have been historically classified on the left. Those that tend toward individual liberty have been classified on the right. This is what Dinesh is trying, and possibly failing, to illustrate.
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