Message from @Moonman
Discord ID: 278001467191853057
don't look like a slob
shaved heads anyone?
Fuck no
I used to shave.
Uniformity to a point is important as well, if we look too similar we get a more militaristic feel compared to a rag tag group of civilians with simple interests
I'm actually NatSoc
ill give you my shaved head bb
lol we should all get 1488 tattood on our foreheads to easily recognise each other
We would do better as a paramilitary
Guys, just look clean, don't dress like a slob and if you have facial hair just keep it groomed
t. FBI
Can we drop the talk about uniforms and grooming standard until we have an actual movement here?
white shirt + red hat + jeans
maga is fine
@Rhalitra-WI Hes still in control of europe
even in cadets we weren't allowed hair that touched our shirt collar or the tops of our ears
great so when do we get to kill niggers
that was basic bitch civilian cadets
Have we already been infiltrated by Little Guys?
@Nitrodubz u antifag?
no, just being annoying 😦
@Cœur de Lion I think this is a good standard
@Cœur de Lion Ueah but we are not a military or para military unit, we are average patriotic members of society so lets look the part
clean cut is not = paramilitary
white shirt + red hat + jeans
The more civilian we look the better, need to keep the image of citizens that just don't want commies and rabblerousers
white shirt? most of these protests happen after dark, it's only outer layer that really matters
yeeeeiff in hell furfag