Message from @Douglas Castle
Discord ID: 522140773869944842
Well if we want to get technical Q started out on 4pol
so he *did* post there.
Yeah that's not totally a loaded statement lol
Feel free to discredit the bloodlines book. If you have read it, you might see it’s pretty obvious. Example, anyone from Oregon or Washington will enjoy learning about Astor and Russel. If it’s BS, it’s better BS than most.
Ruston, Washington, DuPont Washington, Point Defiance Washington, Astoria Oregon. Pretty sure you could google them on your own. There are Patriots at the CIA too.
Via @InTheMatrixxx Q 12/10/18
POTUS is one of us. 4 Chan /Pol/ poster. ⚡️🐸 Troll Master and Best President. He will Save Western Civ and free us from the parasitic Fed. ⚡️
One of us! one of us!
Wpuld make sense that the FBI search warrant issued on Nov 15 was for Nate Cain from the recent referenced tweet
Funny that Daily Caller fighting to have documents released after MSM had been protecting Mueller's documents to also protect the russia case. Maybe using there narrative against them ha
Omnibus deal has 1.7 trillion to shift around as necessary. 18 billion for a wall is easy
Red Castle is part of a presentation that is given during g the "drain the swamp" cabinet meeting on June 21
Comes up at 20:30 but start at 17
Oh thank God
I started it, but then saw it’s 30 minutes long and bailed 😂
PizzaGate innuendo at 17 min
Gowdy to preside as judge in military tribunals? 💪🏻👍🏻
Q suggesting this Strasbourg Shooting is a FF - "officials refused to release the man’s name or age"
The twitter account that released the documents of GOOG CEO selling his shares has the Battle of Trenton picture for profile background. The anniversary is coming up soon. Long live the revolution!
Really makes me think
Coat of Arms for Cardinal Pell
Think Green/Red Castle...the Christmas colors. We are getting a wall for Christmas maybe
Via the military and Omnibus deal
Spanking paddle i bet, not cricket
T & Q together on stockings hanging
Run run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man haha
Is "T" Trey possibly?
Trump is the obvious, but just thinking..
Q knows who is naughty and nice and maybe visiting them from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve
Has Q and team agreed to let the world kick out their leaders before the justice drops? To keep stability and prevent riots?