Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 287858011001585664
>building gas chambers
>not wanting to have whites living in africa anymore
>thinking the infastructure is just for africans
forgot all about that for genetics
I don't know how blacks just keep fucking up
well its good enough better than nothing
building and population control on top of trade means we can hide our eugenics practices and get foreign support
Name one country filled with whites that is poor and dangerous?
they cucked themselves
Because of the dune coons
that's a Muslim country
northern, rural sweden is nice i hear
its a proof that we need the draft
@Bluesy If you will build infrastructure for them they will begin development and they will be more powerful, and in one day they will declare their independence and begin killing and expelling whites from their countries
Look at former european colonies
Or India
@Miomio not if you use eugenics to ride the population of undersiables
which didnt happen
SPQR africa into forceing and training the smarter blacks into our plans telling them its just as good for them as it is for us if they join us
@Miomio We would be more powerful too, and if we actually took care of the nation and taught them too love ours and moved more and more of our people in it wouldnt work out so bad, also the african white nations that got genocided were because whites declared independence. other african nations gained independence cause jews forced our nations to give them up
Some parts in Russia are poor but barely dangerous
Also if we give more benefits to those who work for our nation, and only employ those africans who are redeemable, than they will have more kids than obongo who hunts rats in the savanah
>some parts in Russia are poor
About 90%
@Miomio poor relative to what ? vodka shortages ?
It's insane like can't blacks just help themselves?
@Praise Jesus ✞✞✞ - North NJ Unfortunatly not, they are stuck in the tribal era without outside help
becuase they get free food for 100 thousand years off of there content and have zero reason to build stone huts since its hot as shit 12 months of the year
they have zero reasons for farming
and no reason for the wheel
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk They're objectively poor, they have a small salaries, they live in shittowns where you can find only vocabulary schools, vodka, narcotics and knife in your liver
In Russia you can live on european level only in the big cities (as Moscow, Petersburg and maybe few another cities)
in northern europe it was too cold for stone huts but they did fine
and they were hunter gatherers in some parts until the 1000's
well they tried selling oil but got shut down buy merica, there major exports are guns and wood .
and AIDS
I think it's because most blacks don't have a father figure or a proper home environment to live in