Message from @SgtMudpaw(GA)
Discord ID: 288083298561818626
You mean to tell me you don't go to motgomery to visit Maxwell AFB?
Weekend soldiers I know but it suits me better, still not sure what I want out of my life but I'm excited
Again, do I go for the Rhode Island to midwest channel?
I live next to Fort Rucker lol
No reason to
Also I'm down by all the airbases
So I get to sit back and laugh at new pilots try to land kek
Also nice to see a Huey though
woah jimmy is on here too kek
Yep bae
other server is dead
makes a sad jim
Ah, RI is northeast, sorry.
tbh was my fav /k/ server ever
MOS gonna be 68W though so that's fun
Brony get out reeee!
kicked for mlp user profile
What happened to the propaganda channel? DId that get folded into memes?
I don't think Washington is as bad as Berkley.
Sure, the event had violence, but it wasn't Cali
berkley is a concentration of all autism
Brb Shower
Berkeley is a hive of scum and villainy
inb4 vanned
I don't think what happened at Olympia really counts as violence
Do we know what actually happened?
Birdman says some girl got punched that's about all he knows.
Seattle is in Washington though
so it probably should stay dark red
4 people got arrested
helmet mask
That was about it
@Wrathsalts I m8ght be interested is a western WA meet up, depending on day/time.
hey you guys made sure to check this place for bots right?