Message from @Phoenix- GA
Discord ID: 348377375056199680
So, we're all getting our own cities when we win, yes?
4% agreed w/ , 21% said too far but had a point: in regards to a rally with anti-semitic chanting in a torchlit march, shouting 'nigger' at niggers, hours of bloody street fighting, 3 dead and many seriously injured. After constant propagandizing by the all-powerful MSM
Fuck cities, I want a mountain redoubt
+25% being "not sure"
and those polls were probably skewed against us
This helped too.
@Zorost I know this is why i have no idea how people get blackpilled.
I was a WN for only 1/2 a year or so before Trump, and in that short period of time I became convinced there was some kind of selection process that lead to most WNs being people who love being depressed and convinced they'll never win.
its like hope is really scary, and they only feel safe when they are moping around trying to blackpill everyone around them
MY awakening happened last summer during the constant "you will be replaced" tweets.
I think it's normal tbh
We're conditioned to think of our future belonging to everyome
With no identity and no future, we were born into a world against us
But, we're fighting it. Growing, changing.
The odds are so overwhelmingly against us I get it
and we don't have a choice.
It's our destiny to face the impossible and irrational and conquer it
Yes, exactly
and i've got nothing better to dedicate my life to, sadly. A life of dissolution and waste stops being fun very quickly
If you're living a comfortable life, you're not generally going to question what's going on
normie trumpers giving up