Message from @Alpaca

Discord ID: 540579484563275797

2019-01-31 17:08:53 UTC

check yo self real fast

2019-01-31 17:09:07 UTC

What do you want AVA

2019-01-31 17:09:14 UTC

hmm nigga is you dumb

2019-01-31 17:09:19 UTC

ur my bestiez

2019-01-31 17:09:29 UTC

i didn’t think someone could sound black over text

2019-01-31 17:09:33 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:34 UTC

bitch shutvthr guck up @av

2019-01-31 17:09:38 UTC

@everyone Hi everyone, we are doing a quick question, would you feel safe having someone from IRAN as a moderator? What about someone from IRAN who is fat and also is leeching of the EUROPEAN welfare system? Please answer so we can deal with this problem right away.

2019-01-31 17:09:39 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:42 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:43 UTC

Ava gay

2019-01-31 17:09:44 UTC


idk why you are being so rude @vantay πŸ˜΄βœ‚πŸ’‰

2019-01-31 17:09:47 UTC

im getting bullied

2019-01-31 17:09:50 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:50 UTC
2019-01-31 17:09:51 UTC

nigga fuck chu @DanielBulleck

2019-01-31 17:09:52 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:52 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:54 UTC

Bulleck dead

2019-01-31 17:09:56 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:56 UTC


2019-01-31 17:09:58 UTC

oh boy

2019-01-31 17:09:58 UTC

its not safe

2019-01-31 17:10:00 UTC


2019-01-31 17:10:01 UTC

hi arma

2019-01-31 17:10:02 UTC

Chill out my nigga

2019-01-31 17:10:03 UTC


2019-01-31 17:10:07 UTC


2019-01-31 17:10:08 UTC

shut up im watching anime <:pingwut:526018020695605258>

2019-01-31 17:10:11 UTC


2019-01-31 17:10:14 UTC

@Inactive welcome

2019-01-31 17:10:14 UTC

Arma are you 18

2019-01-31 17:10:17 UTC

i wanna succ iranian dick so go ahead

2019-01-31 17:10:17 UTC


2019-01-31 17:10:19 UTC

That would be bomb

2019-01-31 17:10:20 UTC

im shidded

2019-01-31 17:10:22 UTC
2019-01-31 17:10:23 UTC

someone cuddle me