Message from @Jerry

Discord ID: 540983315264700426

2019-02-01 19:53:14 UTC


2019-02-01 19:53:14 UTC

you said that not me

2019-02-01 19:53:16 UTC


2019-02-01 19:53:19 UTC

'loving' a man btw

2019-02-01 19:53:20 UTC

not gay

2019-02-01 19:53:22 UTC


2019-02-01 19:53:22 UTC

πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ…

2019-02-01 19:53:26 UTC

Toxic u weird or dumb

2019-02-01 19:53:29 UTC

ego is not a man

2019-02-01 19:53:31 UTC


2019-02-01 19:53:43 UTC

ego means 'I' in latin so you love'HIM"?

2019-02-01 19:53:43 UTC

GG @ToxicWorm, you just advanced to level 15!

2019-02-01 19:53:43 UTC

2019-02-01 19:54:02 UTC

and you love how he isnt afriad to admit his feelings subciously

2019-02-01 19:54:09 UTC

like everything lines up

2019-02-01 19:54:18 UTC


2019-02-01 19:54:19 UTC

do you find traps attractive?

2019-02-01 19:54:32 UTC

Whoop ditty scoop

2019-02-01 19:54:33 UTC
2019-02-01 19:54:43 UTC

Scoop ditty whoop

2019-02-01 19:54:44 UTC

scoopidy poop

2019-02-01 19:54:47 UTC

bro Toxic ur iq is so negative bro im blocking you not because u are nanoying and weird but because u said im gay because i love a man, when Ego is not a man or anything phsyical soo.... yeah you are dumb and dellusional and weird straight up shut up lol, not funny just straight weird thanks

2019-02-01 19:55:10 UTC

at least i'm STRAIGHT up πŸ˜‰

2019-02-01 19:55:12 UTC

unlike you

2019-02-01 19:55:14 UTC


2019-02-01 19:55:25 UTC

look at your words, you subconoiusly say that you hate me because I'm straight

2019-02-01 19:55:34 UTC

bro like you are projecting some serious shit right here

2019-02-01 19:55:39 UTC

what? smells like broke in here

2019-02-01 19:55:43 UTC


2019-02-01 19:55:57 UTC

what a weirdo

2019-02-01 19:55:59 UTC

ok afk

2019-02-01 19:56:06 UTC

Yu are afraid that I'm speaking of truth and you blocked me to escape, but one day it will catch up with you.

2019-02-01 19:56:42 UTC

but k

2019-02-01 19:56:53 UTC

i just explained why i blocked you, like twice

2019-02-01 19:56:55 UTC


2019-02-01 19:56:57 UTC

but k

2019-02-01 19:56:58 UTC


2019-02-01 19:57:15 UTC


2019-02-01 19:57:28 UTC