Message from @spread eagle across the block

Discord ID: 541502301039362049

2019-02-03 06:15:48 UTC

Fried rice

2019-02-03 06:15:48 UTC

What type of people u want

2019-02-03 06:15:51 UTC


2019-02-03 06:15:52 UTC


2019-02-03 06:15:56 UTC

Movie nights

2019-02-03 06:15:59 UTC

i want a meg bot

2019-02-03 06:15:59 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:00 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:07 UTC

Benz and the other dont give a shit soook

2019-02-03 06:16:10 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:14 UTC

ok wiat

2019-02-03 06:16:15 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:16 UTC

lemme think

2019-02-03 06:16:16 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:29 UTC

why is angel muted

2019-02-03 06:16:35 UTC

and also

2019-02-03 06:16:38 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:41 UTC

Because of a sus screenshot

2019-02-03 06:16:44 UTC

can i play an emo song

2019-02-03 06:16:45 UTC

My clothes reek of unprocessed weed

2019-02-03 06:16:49 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:49 UTC


2019-02-03 06:16:54 UTC

I like emo music

2019-02-03 06:16:56 UTC

wash them trim

2019-02-03 06:17:09 UTC

it depends on the emo song

2019-02-03 06:17:15 UTC

I’m to tired for all that

2019-02-03 06:17:16 UTC

!p slityawrist cameronazi

2019-02-03 06:17:16 UTC

❌ **The bot is currently in DJ only mode, you must have a role named `DJ` or the `Manage Channels` permission to use it** (being alone with the bot also works)

2019-02-03 06:17:22 UTC

it's not that emo

2019-02-03 06:17:24 UTC


2019-02-03 06:17:25 UTC

yes tiff

2019-02-03 06:17:32 UTC

bmth >>>>

2019-02-03 06:17:45 UTC


2019-02-03 06:17:48 UTC

!p slityawrist cameronazi

2019-02-03 06:17:48 UTC

❌ **The bot is currently in DJ only mode, you must have a role named `DJ` or the `Manage Channels` permission to use it** (being alone with the bot also works)

2019-02-03 06:17:48 UTC

Cameronazi isn’t emo

2019-02-03 06:17:49 UTC

!p slityawrist cameronazi

2019-02-03 06:17:49 UTC

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** πŸ”Ž `slityawrist cameronazi`

2019-02-03 06:17:49 UTC

2019-02-03 06:17:53 UTC


2019-02-03 06:17:55 UTC

It’s aggressive