Message from @Kanye

Discord ID: 541628461559709728

2019-02-03 14:36:44 UTC

how can we know ur a person?

2019-02-03 14:36:44 UTC


2019-02-03 14:36:55 UTC

A horney teen

2019-02-03 14:37:07 UTC

Look at this chink motherfucker

2019-02-03 14:37:08 UTC
2019-02-03 14:37:12 UTC

2019-02-03 14:37:17 UTC


2019-02-03 14:37:17 UTC

i knew it

2019-02-03 14:37:22 UTC

Hey spic

2019-02-03 14:37:22 UTC

ur an arab

2019-02-03 14:37:24 UTC

oh you caught me man

2019-02-03 14:37:29 UTC

Im spic @Vinklo

2019-02-03 14:37:41 UTC

Ain't horny a spic as well

2019-02-03 14:37:52 UTC

tiff go away

2019-02-03 14:38:01 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:01 UTC

@not normal can u play?

2019-02-03 14:38:04 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:06 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:08 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:10 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:11 UTC

@Nadler what ?

2019-02-03 14:38:12 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:14 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:31 UTC

Stop deletinf

2019-02-03 14:38:34 UTC

On the subway one time, I see this guy who I assumed was homeless bring two giant containers of BBQ wings on the train. He had a large container of ranch to go along with the wings, so he starts going to town dipping the wings in ranch and eating them. Pretty quickly, he dumps this entire container of ranch all over the crotch of his track pants. With a wing in his hand, he looks down at his crotch for about ten seconds like ‘well that sucks,’ then he just starts dipping the wings in his crotch ranch. I watched this happen for my whole fifteen minute ride.

2019-02-03 14:38:36 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:39 UTC

can you stop ?

2019-02-03 14:38:51 UTC


2019-02-03 14:38:58 UTC

No thanks

2019-02-03 14:39:09 UTC

2019-02-03 14:39:19 UTC


2019-02-03 14:39:21 UTC

<@501789231900000256> who

2019-02-03 14:39:32 UTC

@meg im not home

2019-02-03 14:39:38 UTC

oki doki

2019-02-03 14:39:39 UTC


2019-02-03 14:39:50 UTC

I will do whatever the fuck I want

2019-02-03 14:40:01 UTC


2019-02-03 14:40:05 UTC


2019-02-03 14:40:26 UTC

Lmao Kentucky bitch stfu u don't even know where I'm from