Message from @Heli

Discord ID: 541648260838981644

2019-02-03 15:56:13 UTC

infinity still counts

2019-02-03 15:56:15 UTC

Cuz the people u bringing up are irrelevant

2019-02-03 15:56:20 UTC

U cant have kinks at 14

2019-02-03 15:56:27 UTC

Yes you can libtard

why u tag me

2019-02-03 15:56:28 UTC

@SepTheDepp whatever try to cockblock me all you want

holy shit

2019-02-03 15:56:29 UTC

<:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842>

2019-02-03 15:56:31 UTC

I hate you times infinity for example

what did I do

2019-02-03 15:56:33 UTC

@Arhippa [bruised asshole] a person in this discord and its a person u know (not me)

to make you make me feel so special

2019-02-03 15:56:38 UTC

yo niggers


2019-02-03 15:56:40 UTC

give me attention

2019-02-03 15:56:42 UTC


i am

2019-02-03 15:56:42 UTC


an attention whore

2019-02-03 15:56:48 UTC

@catass Hate, bitch i don't know you

2019-02-03 15:56:48 UTC

No tell me @Anniewhere

2019-02-03 15:56:49 UTC

@Tommy Hagen but u know u wont be fucking her in the end

2019-02-03 15:56:50 UTC


2019-02-03 15:56:50 UTC
2019-02-03 15:56:50 UTC

<:dynoError:314691684455809024> That user is a mod/admin, I can't do that.

follow me on my instagram

2019-02-03 15:56:51 UTC


2019-02-03 15:56:51 UTC

<:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842>


follow me on my insta

2019-02-03 15:56:59 UTC


2019-02-03 15:57:04 UTC

@Heli you’re just so annoying so I hate you

2019-02-03 15:57:05 UTC


2019-02-03 15:57:07 UTC


2019-02-03 15:57:09 UTC


2019-02-03 15:57:13 UTC
2019-02-03 15:57:14 UTC

<:dynoError:314691684455809024> Enter a number of messages to purge.

2019-02-03 15:57:14 UTC

@catass yeah? and ur gay

2019-02-03 15:57:17 UTC

and i hate gays

2019-02-03 15:57:17 UTC

I'll delete it myself don't Purge