Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 429244748696387594
Gay men have moustaches. Are you telling us something
Maybe ❤
bald guy classic dad stache
bald with stashe i gotta say best oldmode
full hair full beard is pretty classic tho
tfw balding
tfw salt and pepper hair
2 Days, guys!
til what
till the happening
didnty you hear?
This server has died off a little, huh?
its just slow
Thats fair
What time is it for you?
The fucker posted another elk meat insta
Lol hes a little goblin
Im gonna take away his hunting license
Saw a clip of him making excuses and justifying dan bilzerians lifestyle yesterday. He was really suxking his cock
Its not something to strive for thats for sure
However why hate on the dude
Well i agree with you basically.
No need to hate, but his guest said exactly what you just said
Not hating on him, but said its nothing to strive for and more of an indictment on our consuner culture
Ans joe wasnt having any of it and tried to bully him into submission
Lol self defense situation sitting across joe rogan
Question: are bisexual males just gays who cant make up their mind/are too scared to identify as gay/have developed a penis fetish from watching too much porn
Or are they actually bi whatever that means
Idk im starting to think the whole sexual fluidity meme is making sense
In what way
Idk i watched some weird shit not gonna lie, but its due to the anxiety it gives u apparently