Message from @gusphase

Discord ID: 351198058786324480

2017-08-27 02:44:02 UTC  

God. Fucking. Damn it

2017-08-27 02:49:19 UTC  

>only being reported on now

2017-08-27 02:49:56 UTC  

Well, that guy is an asshole

2017-08-27 02:50:19 UTC  

but again, he only fired a warning shot at the ground next to a guy firing an improvised blow torch at people

2017-08-27 02:50:39 UTC  

Both should be in trouble as far as I'm concerned

2017-08-27 02:51:02 UTC  

And we have proof that Deandre Harris probably started the altercation that ended with him getting his ass kicked

2017-08-27 02:51:19 UTC  

@Lupus_Dei - NC wait a neonazi white supreemist kkk shot a gun around a bunch of blacks and didnt slaughter them all.

2017-08-27 02:51:39 UTC  

That doesnt fit the narrative at all.

2017-08-27 02:52:09 UTC  

I hope this shit gets burried, that is fucking horrible optics, doesn't matter if its a fed or not.

2017-08-27 02:52:19 UTC  

it won't

2017-08-27 02:52:37 UTC  

Richard spencer has already made a statement on twitter

2017-08-27 02:52:52 UTC  

Damn it

2017-08-27 02:53:17 UTC  

Link nibba

2017-08-27 02:53:25 UTC  

he basically said that this guy was an irresponsible gun owner and was definitely in the wrong, but he pointed out that he fired a warning shot at the ground in response to somebody firing an improvised flame thrower at others

2017-08-27 02:53:54 UTC  

Nigger pulls out an improvised flamethrower: "Corey Long spraying fire at racists"
White man fires a warning shot to scare flamethrower nigger: "racist pulls gun and fires on black protester"

2017-08-27 02:54:21 UTC  

I'm so done with this kiked shit

2017-08-27 02:54:27 UTC  

That's what they're saying, that he "opened fire on counterprotesters"

2017-08-27 02:55:38 UTC  

Although, this was in the article as well:

2017-08-27 02:55:42 UTC  

The city did not use a number of security measures recommended by the state police, said Brian Moran, Virginia’s secretary of public safety and homeland security, including a ban on weapons and sticks of all kinds. The state also proposed designating parking areas, busing protesters and cutting off traffic for at least 10 blocks. None of that happened, he said. Mr. Jones said city laws had prevented officials from enacting some of the restrictions that the state suggested.

2017-08-27 02:56:33 UTC  

Somebody fired a shot and we're only hearing about it now?

2017-08-27 02:57:57 UTC  

I still don't think this is THAT bad

2017-08-27 02:58:13 UTC  

it's not good optics, but neither is aiming a flame thrower at people

2017-08-27 02:58:30 UTC  

if it weren't for that flame thrower guy, I would say that this is REALLY bad optics

2017-08-27 02:58:31 UTC  

True that

2017-08-27 02:58:59 UTC  

It's just weird hearing about it two weeks later

2017-08-27 02:59:17 UTC  

Usually if so much as a cap gun goes off everybody loses their shit

2017-08-27 02:59:26 UTC  

Clearly people were throwing shit at these guys and then that guy came up with a flame thower. STill , this guy is a dumbass, but clearly this was a consequence of the police doing NOTHING to separate the two sides.

2017-08-27 03:00:09 UTC  

Doesn't matter if some nigger has a flame thrower, we're always the badguys

2017-08-27 03:00:21 UTC  

Funny how after a black lives matter rally a black nationalist kills 5 cops and the media ran cover and totally distanced the guy from the rally

2017-08-27 03:00:42 UTC  

We would be the bad guys anyway. Just thank god this guy didn't kill anybody. People will be pissed that he fired a warning shot, but since there is no body, they can't really get that upset.

2017-08-27 03:01:32 UTC  

The fact that all those people were armed and the only death was from the car accident shows the right to be pretty restrained.

2017-08-27 03:01:56 UTC  

Again, amazing considering that the opposing sides were basically on top of one another

2017-08-27 03:02:11 UTC  

Dont fire warning shots. If the gun comes out, someone better be fucking dead if you want to claim self defence.

2017-08-27 03:02:32 UTC  

Plus if I go to a rally I'm not responsible for what anyone else does.

2017-08-27 03:02:47 UTC  

It's bullshit to begin with

2017-08-27 03:03:46 UTC  

If I'm a climate change activist and some nut blows up an Exon Mobile office I'm not responsible in any way

2017-08-27 03:04:08 UTC  

THis is the part of the article that pisses me off the most:
City officials have repeatedly said it was the protesters who did not honor the advance arrangements, which made it difficult to keep the two sides apart.

Richard B. Spencer, one of the headliners who was scheduled to speak at the event, went so far as to blame the city for Ms. Heyer’s death.

“The City of Charlottesville could have prevented that death if they had done their job, and that is to police the streets,” he said.

The city will not release a copy of the action plan devised to manage the demonstration because it contains “tactical and operational plans that could be used again,” said Miriam Dickler, the city spokeswoman.

2017-08-27 03:04:47 UTC  

Im being legit with you guys, we're fighting a system that is rigged against us. We cannot give them precident to say we carry to intimidate, we have to carry for legitimate self defence."

2017-08-27 03:05:01 UTC  

That last paragraph is fucking atrocious. "Well, THEY didn't follow our plan. The plan you say? We can't show you what it was, because we might use this plan again."