Message from @steamboating

Discord ID: 590322370200338432

2019-06-17 23:16:18 UTC  

porn more like

2019-06-17 23:16:24 UTC  

goyim pacification system

2019-06-17 23:16:37 UTC  

t. faps 5 times a day

2019-06-17 23:16:54 UTC  

it took a strong will

2019-06-17 23:17:04 UTC  

but i've been on nofap for around 37 days

2019-06-17 23:17:12 UTC  


2019-06-17 23:19:22 UTC  

they've been persecuted for 2000 years

2019-06-17 23:19:31 UTC  

they've bitched about it for 3000

2019-06-17 23:23:54 UTC  

the moral lessons and positive negatives of the bible are irrelevant to my current deep dive

2019-06-17 23:24:03 UTC  

im trying to discover the truth behind this jesus character

2019-06-17 23:26:38 UTC  

@steamboating the Jews hate Jesus

2019-06-17 23:26:45 UTC  

That’s all you should need to know man

2019-06-17 23:29:07 UTC  

these are the questions and more that im asking right now

2019-06-17 23:29:37 UTC  

>wake up after a nights rest on bedded treated with brominated flame retardants,

> begin the day with inhaling vaporized trihalomethanes from cholrinated water

> wash with soap containing triclosans.

> apply deodorant loaded with metalloestrogenic aluminum and active parabens

> brush your mercury leaching fillings with fluroide based tooth paste

> go to work, inhale carbon monoxide, cadium and various solvents from vehicle

> fill up car on the way, get daily dose of bezene

> get to work, inhale various volatile organic compounds from air freshener, upholstery, plastics and paint

> get home, remove glysophate and bovine growth hormone laced food from estrogenic phthalate based containers and packaging

> cook in non-stick pan, dousing food in perfulorinated compounds

> wash the food down the chorinated and fluorinated water mixed with excreted pharmaceuticals the water processing plant didn't remove

> clean up, get barraged by assorted toxic compounds from cleaning and disinfectant products

2019-06-17 23:30:06 UTC  

the jews hated jesus for being divergent and splintering the abhramics anew

2019-06-17 23:30:20 UTC  

and thats when they got all nutted up and probably made the romans do him one

2019-06-17 23:32:19 UTC

2019-06-17 23:38:47 UTC  

@Deleted User I see you...

2019-06-17 23:43:32 UTC  

@everyone yo if your girlfriend was in the shower and you went in because you wanted to fuck her in the shower and you saw a log come out of her ass and she was moving it to the drain then started using her foot to mash it down the drain would you still get in and fuck or nah?

2019-06-17 23:43:42 UTC  

eat the log bro

2019-06-17 23:43:42 UTC  


2019-06-17 23:44:17 UTC  

I'd facefuck her for shitting in the shower

2019-06-17 23:44:25 UTC  

you right next to the shitter

2019-06-17 23:44:30 UTC  

lazy ho

2019-06-17 23:44:33 UTC  

Id fuck the drain

2019-06-17 23:48:09 UTC  

poopy cheeks

2019-06-17 23:59:11 UTC  

Why does nofap exist

2019-06-17 23:59:22 UTC  

If you’re bragging about having the willpower to not jerk off

2019-06-17 23:59:25 UTC  


2019-06-17 23:59:33 UTC  

you’re a man amongst the ruins

2019-06-18 00:01:56 UTC  

It's snakeoil my dude

2019-06-18 00:02:44 UTC  

peeps that think that their lives are going to completely change due to not jacking off are dillusional

2019-06-18 00:05:50 UTC  

Day 74 of no fap

As I exited my vehicle to walk into work I caught scent of a female in heat 73.35 meters upwind. Because of the fog I couldn’t see her yet but judging by the scent she was mid twenties, and healthy. My ultra attunated hearing was able to pick up her gait, which put her at about 5’6”. My mind, free of the constraints of porn and indecent imagery, was able to calculate her weight based on the ripple in the testosterone continuum produced by her footsteps as she walked away from me.

Being that I was 10 minutes early for work, I made chase and followed her through the fog still without visual contact. I was like a pilot navigating the white abyss by instrument alone. I was trailing her about 130m behind when I sensed her phone vibrate in her purse through the pavement. Holding my ear to the ground I was able to faintly pick up on the conversation she was having with beta BF. Based on the annoyed tone in her voice I knew now was the time to strike.

I readied my legs and concentrated all of my Testo-chakras into my Vastus Medialus muscles as I assumed a sprinters starting stance. I exploded forward in a cataclysm of sex hormone fueled rage. Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later I began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum. As I phased through the helpless female target I nutted directly into both of her Fallopian tubes, destroying her previously unbroken hymen and causing her to orgasm INSTANTLY. As I began to slow down 33.6 light years later, I realized that while she would have wanted to thank me for giving her the gift of my superior seed that she was already dead and gone having raised my CHAD progeny to repopulate the earth.

As I float into the the celestial abyss of the greater Crab Nebula I am not filled with regret for having left my world, but rather happiness for having left it a better place.

2019-06-18 00:20:57 UTC  

feds own 8chan?