Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 591422835122110495

2019-06-21 00:06:26 UTC  


2019-06-21 00:06:34 UTC  

Sounds well cool

2019-06-21 00:06:50 UTC  

Dude I had no idea they were letting us federal agents test the knew mortal Kombat

2019-06-21 00:06:53 UTC  

That sounds epic

2019-06-21 00:07:00 UTC  

nah bro it’s MARK ultra like the iron man suits

2019-06-21 00:07:12 UTC  

the FBI is letting us wear epic iron man suits

2019-06-21 00:07:22 UTC  

wow its just like those mecha animes i watch

2019-06-21 00:07:29 UTC  

just like my epic capeshit movies

2019-06-21 00:08:12 UTC  

have fun with MK Ultra dude

2019-06-21 00:08:21 UTC  

sure it'll be rad as hell

2019-06-21 00:08:24 UTC  


2019-06-21 00:10:24 UTC

2019-06-21 00:10:34 UTC  

cant relate

2019-06-21 00:11:14 UTC  

sorry my penis has not been heebed on

2019-06-21 00:14:28 UTC  

truly twisted that circumcision is so common in burgerland

2019-06-21 00:17:33 UTC

2019-06-21 00:18:36 UTC  

i legit don’t see the difference between circumcision and FGM

2019-06-21 00:18:46 UTC  

why don’t lefty trannies campaign against it

2019-06-21 00:19:01 UTC  

my body my rules

2019-06-21 00:19:14 UTC  

oh yes of course we'll be circumcising him at birth

2019-06-21 00:23:11 UTC  

Alright honey

2019-06-21 00:23:24 UTC  

I just deranked in iverwatch

2019-06-21 00:23:44 UTC  

Time to make you black and blue for my teammates incompetence

2019-06-21 00:24:41 UTC  

Y’all ever seen female circumcision?

2019-06-21 00:24:52 UTC  

yeah pretty twisted

2019-06-21 00:26:19 UTC  

FGM is fucked and all but circumsion is damn near the same thing. pretty absurd how the parallel between the two isn’t widely noticed.

2019-06-21 00:28:05 UTC  

retards be like fgm is so much worse cos its done on little girls !!

2019-06-21 00:28:06 UTC  

Pretty absurd how a desert religion’s Stone Age rites of passage was adopted by Europeans and done to this day

2019-06-21 00:28:16 UTC  

Isn’t that just quacking crazy

2019-06-21 00:29:59 UTC  

literally all you need to do is just take one step back from the brainwashing and think hey maybe cutting off half of a babys dick for no reason is a little weird maybe we shouldnt do it

2019-06-21 00:30:35 UTC  

You’re asking a lot there

2019-06-21 00:30:40 UTC  

A mind virus comes and goes

2019-06-21 00:30:42 UTC  

Paul's Final Warning

11Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. 12As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. 13For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. 14But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. 15For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.

2019-06-21 00:30:45 UTC  

You can’t shrug it off yourself

2019-06-21 00:31:11 UTC  

St. Paul writing in all caps

2019-06-21 00:31:29 UTC  

>Paul is 1st century Ted Kaczynksi

2019-06-21 00:31:31 UTC  

just seems like lopping off parts of genitals would be an easier thing to see is stupid

2019-06-21 00:31:48 UTC  

Well female circumcision is seen as barbaric

2019-06-21 00:31:51 UTC  

because it is

2019-06-21 00:32:01 UTC  

But male circumcision is just fine

2019-06-21 00:32:06 UTC  

maybe genital mutilation in general is barbaric