Message from @ITS HE-MA'AM
Discord ID: 462329162473013249
Is JKHydrolian a guy
im losing my shit over this
are you girlish looking JKHydrolian
A giant femine guy
@JKHydrolian do you prefer men or women sexually
Breath into your balls JKHydrolian
take alex jones pills
Ok, how many of you fucks thought JK was a girl initally
I did
we all did
@killertojo42 Isn't that just burka sex?
@Deleted User We need Kaden in this conversation?!?! 🤣😂🤣😂
Girls should be raised with donkeys
and they are property like pets
men men again
This is Free Speech
Thats quite sad actually
this has been 4 hours of non stop hilarity
Are traps ga
Pro Market Ethnostat Socialist such unique person
this guy is more weird and confusing than 2001 a space oddysee
@Webber I want you to write a manifesto with all these opinions
Wait are you @ITS HE-MA'AM sexually attracted to men or women?
NeverGoFuull !The Defyer!
im straight
would he ban slaughterhouses and go full vegan
men that arent chads basicly
dont ban the weeds
he said he would castrate
Homosexuality is quite complicated we dont know if its genetic or developed during puberty
Submit to ALlah
pray away the gay