Message from @Murenu

Discord ID: 602308541985849354

2019-07-21 01:09:45 UTC  

someone testified against him and it was completely false

2019-07-21 01:09:54 UTC  

lol imagine being that guy who testified

2019-07-21 01:09:55 UTC  

free are ted

2019-07-21 01:09:59 UTC  

they later admitted it was false after he killed himself

2019-07-21 01:10:00 UTC  

living with that the rest of your life

2019-07-21 01:10:09 UTC  

your lies made a man kill himself

2019-07-21 01:10:21 UTC  

should have the same treatment done to him

2019-07-21 01:10:48 UTC  

i think his family still gets income from whatever budds position was

2019-07-21 01:11:04 UTC  

since he technically never left the position

2019-07-21 01:11:24 UTC  

He lied in court which is perjury

2019-07-21 01:11:27 UTC  

whats the word i'm thinking of

2019-07-21 01:11:37 UTC  

budds family

2019-07-21 01:12:01 UTC  

it's money you get from a company after you retire

2019-07-21 01:12:05 UTC  


2019-07-21 01:12:24 UTC  

feels bad man

2019-07-21 01:12:27 UTC  

there he is

2019-07-21 01:15:51 UTC  


2019-07-21 01:18:41 UTC  

yeah Budd offed himself so his family wouldn't lose their home or something

2019-07-21 01:18:45 UTC  

insurance money

2019-07-21 01:19:06 UTC  

he was being fucked over and his family would go homeless so he committed suicide on TV to make a point and so his family would get money from the insurance or some shit

2019-07-21 01:19:28 UTC  

Based Budd

2019-07-21 01:20:57 UTC  

I remember in the video some lady is like "OMG call an ambluance" like this dude is going to be up and walking after a 357 to the dome

2019-07-21 01:26:24 UTC  

Ted kaczynski goes on a like a 8 page rant about how he isn't a leftist though

2019-07-21 01:26:51 UTC  

He makes it pretty clear

2019-07-21 01:27:21 UTC  

I never said he was a leftist I just said he's not far right/a white nationalist type

2019-07-21 01:27:26 UTC  

true leftism, not the one we see in the US is just as environmentally destructive as capitalism. not a suprise teddy isn't a leftist

2019-07-21 01:27:48 UTC  


2019-07-21 01:28:16 UTC

2019-07-21 01:28:56 UTC  

well to be fair it's not their fault whether it's genetic OR societal

2019-07-21 01:29:32 UTC  

being black = being fault in something

2019-07-21 01:29:42 UTC  

all blacks kill like all trap lovers fuck kids

2019-07-21 01:29:43 UTC  


2019-07-21 01:30:01 UTC  

It's the reason why some entitled tranny who thinks they're something that they're not is infinitesimally more offensive to me than, say, a person with down syndrome

2019-07-21 01:30:11 UTC  

But you can't force equality even for people who aren't at fault

2019-07-21 01:30:13 UTC  

Tbh if everything is genetically influenced, and if its genetic its not your fault, then nothing is your fault.

2019-07-21 01:30:20 UTC  

you don't let a person who was born blind drive even if it is "unfair" lol

2019-07-21 01:31:05 UTC  

@Murenu Equality like many leftist concepts is super idealist. We would all love for everyone to be equal and capable of what the next person can do but objective reality doesn't reflect that.

2019-07-21 01:31:30 UTC  

Doesnt matter if im disadvantaged genetically, its always my fault if i fail because it's my responsibility to compensate for the handicaps

2019-07-21 01:31:36 UTC  

there are hardline differences between cultures, ethnicities, people with mental or physical handicaps

2019-07-21 01:31:59 UTC  

No amount of hand holding and hippie chanting will change biology