Message from @SOTGOR
Discord ID: 465362086793314304
usually through taxes
and taxation is theft
yes it is
taxation is theft
@AiarUther Why? Every man brings what he can, if he wants
pragmatism is the important principle here
Taxation, by definition is theft
The violence can be debated and broken down thusly... person A wants person B to do something that person B doesn't want to do. Person A has (over simplified) two choices, consequences for the disobedience or ignore it.
If they want to push their ideology on this one person, or group of people, at some point it comes to forcing them.
Yeah, see, I'm done. I can't even form a proper argument without being interuppted
It's text
No one is stopping you from typing. XD
@airuther taxation is only theft if its uses do not go to the principle goal of protecting the citizens rights
lol we're not even all having the same discussion
Sometimes that happens.
@SOTGOR If I put a gun to your head and demand money, is that not theft?
what if I offer you a chocolate bar and demand you pay money for it
and demand you make that exchange
I won't buy the chocolate bar?
is that not theft?
that is an unwanted exchange
would it not at least be violent?
if i go allong with ur demands i assume it wouldnt be