Discord ID: 638120625424171027

2019-10-27 20:19:57 UTC  

did you know theres been 500 lynchings in americans past. its time to lynch 5 thousand white people as repretions

2019-10-27 20:21:01 UTC  


2019-10-27 20:21:03 UTC  

tink tink tink

2019-10-27 20:21:07 UTC  

i have something to say

2019-10-27 20:21:10 UTC  


2019-10-27 20:21:14 UTC  


2019-10-27 20:21:30 UTC  

watch me I'm minus now
metal gear seed: sneed feeder

2019-10-27 20:22:38 UTC  

look at me

2019-10-27 20:22:40 UTC  

im the autist now

2019-10-27 20:23:33 UTC  


2019-10-27 20:24:03 UTC  

why'd you repeat my message

2019-10-27 20:26:20 UTC  

why do i feel so bad

2019-10-27 20:29:40 UTC  

why does my heart

2019-10-27 20:35:50 UTC  

dont ever put me in a situation

2019-10-27 20:42:32 UTC  

why does my soul

2019-10-27 20:45:10 UTC  

@CSPAN you're server muted until further notice

2019-10-27 20:49:57 UTC  
2019-10-27 21:01:59 UTC  

Are cum town baced? Never bothered with them

2019-10-27 21:02:30 UTC  

why does everyone ask that

2019-10-27 21:02:38 UTC  

they are a good podcast

2019-10-27 21:03:32 UTC  

Your names like ... 9th century autist tier

2019-10-27 21:05:16 UTC  
2019-10-27 21:06:38 UTC  

@KLATTERAL DAMIJ theyre socialist and funny and not everything you enjoy has to be made by people that agree with you

2019-10-27 21:07:28 UTC  

Huh... theres definatly an assumption being made here but I'm gonna let it pass

2019-10-27 21:11:19 UTC  

Cum Town is probably the only podcast responsible for making me almost wreck my car cause I was laughing so hard

2019-10-27 21:11:39 UTC  

Morpheus' Lawyer killed me

2019-10-27 21:12:51 UTC  

Listening to cum town with that annoying guy laughing at everything makes me want to to blow my brains out

2019-10-27 21:12:55 UTC  

Not funny

2019-10-27 21:13:02 UTC  

cool story bro

2019-10-27 21:13:06 UTC  

Cum town is NOT FUNNY

2019-10-27 21:13:10 UTC  

only thing I agree with you on

2019-10-27 21:13:21 UTC  

Based nigger dilly

2019-10-27 21:30:56 UTC  

whats this all about

2019-10-27 21:32:41 UTC  

oh you got to be kidding me

2019-10-27 21:40:43 UTC  

bin laden 2 is dead

2019-10-27 21:44:00 UTC  

911 2 is prevented

2019-10-27 21:47:51 UTC

2019-10-27 21:57:03 UTC  
2019-10-27 21:57:05 UTC  

Coomer Arnold

2019-10-27 22:17:57 UTC