Message from @diddy

Discord ID: 667041861092900874

2020-01-15 13:55:09 UTC

2020-01-15 13:55:14 UTC

2020-01-15 13:57:42 UTC

2020-01-15 13:58:07 UTC  

whats she begging for

2020-01-15 13:59:07 UTC  

and shes confirmed braindead again

2020-01-15 13:59:07 UTC  


2020-01-15 14:08:26 UTC  

Here's a Bernie quote:
“For a hundred years, the white workers of the South were the most exploited white workers in America. They were paid the lowest wages, they endured the worst working conditions, their housing was abysmal, their kids went to the most backward schools, and very few could send their children to college. But what did they have? They were given ‘niggers’ to hate and look down on, ‘niggers’ who couldn’t vote, drink at their water fountains, use the same bathrooms, or sit up front in the buses or movie theaters.”

2020-01-15 14:26:42 UTC  

Lmao Warren snubbing Bernie

2020-01-15 14:26:53 UTC  

As if Warren has more chance than Bernie to win

2020-01-15 14:27:00 UTC  

Braindead peepee retard baby

2020-01-15 15:16:31 UTC

2020-01-15 15:16:34 UTC  

This will never ever stop being funny

2020-01-15 15:19:28 UTC

2020-01-15 15:22:30 UTC

2020-01-15 15:28:17 UTC  

lol it is funny though

2020-01-15 16:20:42 UTC

2020-01-15 16:24:20 UTC  

is that Æon flux?

2020-01-15 16:25:38 UTC  


2020-01-15 16:25:44 UTC

2020-01-15 16:26:12 UTC  


2020-01-15 16:37:55 UTC  

damn /mde/ is picking up in activity for some reason

2020-01-15 16:37:58 UTC  

i wonder why

2020-01-15 16:39:00 UTC  

venezuelen gold farmers

2020-01-15 16:39:02 UTC  

channing on her period?

2020-01-15 16:39:26 UTC  

a little of column A a little of column B

2020-01-15 16:39:35 UTC

2020-01-15 16:42:24 UTC  

norm is a treasure

2020-01-15 17:35:50 UTC  

an old friend dmed me asking for a link to the mde discord

2020-01-15 17:36:03 UTC  

bruh is mde reviving?

2020-01-15 17:39:14 UTC  


2020-01-15 18:05:20 UTC

2020-01-15 18:05:31 UTC  

me and my star trek hoes

2020-01-15 18:11:28 UTC  

Commander, I'm sensing a desire to suck on my milkers

2020-01-15 18:11:50 UTC

2020-01-15 18:12:43 UTC  

ywn get a star trek show with chad will riker as captain of a starship exploring the galaxy to bang as many freaky alien bitches as possible

2020-01-15 18:13:23 UTC  

a show with Riker and Data just swooping poon throughout the galaxy would be based

2020-01-15 18:15:34 UTC  

i wish there was a future where Wil Wheaton didnt grow up to be a faggot

2020-01-15 18:21:51 UTC  

incels rise up