Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 492459017294053376

2018-09-20 22:11:36 UTC  

I still got time, maybe you still do.

2018-09-20 22:11:50 UTC  

You can always do something to help #MAGA.

2018-09-20 22:11:58 UTC  

I can barely straighten my back now

2018-09-20 22:12:16 UTC  

Find some good Americans.

2018-09-20 22:12:22 UTC  

support veterans

2018-09-20 22:12:43 UTC  

good find, i'm literally surrounded by the people making America not great

2018-09-20 22:12:49 UTC  

The cultural fronts are just as in need of good men ans the physical ones.

2018-09-20 22:12:56 UTC  

Take some time to read the stories of fallen heroes too, every once in a while.

2018-09-20 22:13:01 UTC  

ooh i like this

2018-09-20 22:13:06 UTC  

TWD is gay of course

2018-09-20 22:13:23 UTC  

Ive always loved reading war stories

2018-09-20 22:13:30 UTC  

Try churches. You can usually find patriots in some.

2018-09-20 22:13:36 UTC  

its why i liked Fallout New Vegas, even the story (story is gay)

2018-09-20 22:14:07 UTC  

You know a little over 50% of the medals of honor awarded in WW2 were posthumously?

2018-09-20 22:14:24 UTC  

my roommate has her nephew over sometimes
He told me in sunday school the "teacher" told him he was wrong to think cavemen existed

2018-09-20 22:14:27 UTC  

so idk bout that

2018-09-20 22:15:21 UTC  

god that is sad as hell

2018-09-20 22:15:28 UTC  

No man, heroism.

2018-09-20 22:15:43 UTC  

you know what i mean, they never lived to be thanked

2018-09-20 22:16:13 UTC  

Yeah it can be hard to think about.

2018-09-20 22:16:19 UTC  

i went to see the army cemetary in town on memorial day. the stones arent raised, theyre flat plates embedded in the ground

2018-09-20 22:16:25 UTC  

But it's important to do, it give you such a sense of reverance.

2018-09-20 22:16:31 UTC  


2018-09-20 22:16:31 UTC  

i thought that was kinda sad

2018-09-20 22:16:47 UTC  

the many many flags were beautiful tho

2018-09-20 22:17:27 UTC  

Have you seen the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

2018-09-20 22:17:41 UTC  

I need to visit there one day yet.

2018-09-20 22:17:52 UTC  

no but i know a song about it i think

2018-09-20 22:18:02 UTC  

Added to the queue:

2018-09-20 22:18:15 UTC  

For a while there I was finding all the videos of the ceremony I could find.

2018-09-20 22:18:34 UTC  

its a guy who was never identified?

2018-09-20 22:18:42 UTC  

But when you learn about the level of work put into honoring these fallen soldiers it really helps you understand.

2018-09-20 22:19:05 UTC  

I owe them everything i have

2018-09-20 22:19:20 UTC  

but i was not taught that gratitude

2018-09-20 22:19:34 UTC  

also where i grew up army dudes are fucking DICKS

2018-09-20 22:20:14 UTC  

coke addled shitpieces bullying anyone in a bar just because they know the town will support and continue to revere them in light of such uncivilian behavior

2018-09-20 22:20:26 UTC  

It's a tomb to honor all unknown fallen soldiers, who for one reason or another could not have their remains identified or recovered. It's also in a sense a monument to all fallen soldiers in all wars, like a lot of war monuments.

2018-09-20 22:20:43 UTC  


2018-09-20 22:21:06 UTC  

Yes there is an old cartoon about that exact guy you are talking about.

2018-09-20 22:21:09 UTC  

I need to find that...

2018-09-20 22:21:16 UTC  

just there are so many who could not be identified