Message from @redd
Discord ID: 462139217548541953
whatever works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and then what would be the client side url
if you are running it on your computer, `http://localhost:4200/`
now I'm stuck cause im on shared hosting
if you are running on a server, `http://<server ip>:4200/`
what do you mean by that?
like, through bluehost
i cant open ports and dont have access to 80 so I dont think i can do it
you can use any port
they have them all closed
open a support ticket
you are missing something
do you have root access to the server?
dont think so
try `sudo node app`
then type your password
I really gtg
alright cya
I'm in jailshell
that's my ssh
they are a webhosting company, it needs to work lol
alright lol
Yeah, F
Error: listen EACCES
Your hosting company might have a preferred way to allow it, if at all. Better to ask them.
They might already have another webserver set up on port 80.
a comp sci channel? cool
computer science is fake
you're fake
I'm a computer scientist, this is true
you are what sargon could have been
if he wasn't so damn mathphobic
Poor Sargon. He's more well read into history than I, however. Maybe someday I'll finish my reading list 😦
maybe someday he'll release that starship troopers video
(he wont)
I wish the linguistics department at my school wasn't full of SJW twats.
Mathematics is a language, change my mind