Message from @Ruggwain

Discord ID: 474256480292569088

2018-08-01 15:59:06 UTC
Is why you use PPT, meratrix?

2018-08-01 16:41:26 UTC  

lisp is bad enough and then my uni makes me learn Racket which is a dialect of a lisp dialect

2018-08-01 16:41:49 UTC  

you mean (((racket)))

2018-08-01 16:42:05 UTC  

there is nothing more frustrating in life than having to create a for loop with addition using 2 locals around a massive condition block

2018-08-01 16:42:22 UTC  

yes thank you for the correction I meant ((((((racket))))))

2018-08-01 16:42:24 UTC  


2018-08-01 16:42:31 UTC  

git gud faggot

2018-08-01 16:42:32 UTC  

which is a ((((((((lisp)))))))) dialect

2018-08-01 16:43:19 UTC  

why loop when you can just use *recursion* @Ruggwain

2018-08-01 16:43:43 UTC  

racket can't even do that right

2018-08-01 16:43:49 UTC  

and f u c k recursion

2018-08-01 16:44:09 UTC  

git gud faggot

2018-08-01 16:44:11 UTC  

best thing about uni was getting a speech from the lang 5 creator

2018-08-01 16:44:14 UTC  

recursion is love

2018-08-01 16:44:18 UTC  

not that I care about lang 5 but the guy was bae

2018-08-01 16:44:50 UTC  

you must love Prolog

2018-08-01 16:45:06 UTC  

(define Add (lambda(x y); add function
(+ x y)))

2018-08-01 16:45:28 UTC  

prolog is interesting

2018-08-01 16:45:34 UTC  

I k n e w i t

2018-08-01 16:45:36 UTC  

you just s u c c

2018-08-01 16:45:56 UTC  

I passed as one of the best students in that class out of 1200

2018-08-01 16:45:59 UTC  

so can't succ that much

2018-08-01 16:46:35 UTC  

~~of course that changes when mathematical proofing comes along~~

2018-08-01 16:46:53 UTC  

gib me the Big O

2018-08-01 16:47:05 UTC  


2018-08-01 16:47:28 UTC  

show the recurrence relation

2018-08-01 16:48:07 UTC  

~~I'm learning this shit in German m8~~

2018-08-01 16:48:15 UTC  


2018-08-01 16:48:39 UTC  

we had to use prolog

2018-08-01 16:49:01 UTC  

How was zhat?

2018-08-01 16:49:06 UTC  

gay af

2018-08-01 16:49:18 UTC  

prolog was p a i n f u l

2018-08-01 16:49:26 UTC  

Peanut brained eurotrash

2018-08-01 16:50:18 UTC  

switching from uni to uni of applied sciences so I don't have to do proofing anymore <:GWfroggyWeSmart:375369048038572035>

2018-08-01 16:50:31 UTC  

Lazy faghot

2018-08-01 16:50:49 UTC  


2018-08-01 16:51:07 UTC  

I'm not studying informatics so that 17/26 mandatory subjects are mathematical proofing

2018-08-01 16:51:11 UTC  

Math Is love

2018-08-01 16:51:12 UTC  

not a random number btw

2018-08-01 16:54:05 UTC

2018-08-01 16:54:13 UTC  

fuck prolog