Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 490804701441294336

2018-09-16 03:01:57 UTC  

@M4Gunner Linux is gay dontcha know

2018-09-16 03:03:57 UTC  

I've known that for as long as I've been running linux

2018-09-16 03:29:52 UTC  

I am still looking for the piece of software that will make me love linux
a Killer App if you will

2018-09-16 03:33:22 UTC  

on Raspian terminal, you cant ctrl+v paste a line of text, but you can rightclick-copy.
I guess ctrl+c is used to close the programs youre running in terminal
How about ESC, faggots, or ctrl+ESC

2018-09-16 03:36:41 UTC  

Here are the working clipboard commands for if you're a faggot
```Ctrl + Insert for 'copy', Shift + Delete for 'cut' and Shift + Insert for 'paste' also works on most places, including GNOME terminal. Like said by others, Copy is CTRL + SHIFT + C and paste is CTRL + SHIFT + V as opposed to a normal text field.```

2018-09-16 03:36:56 UTC  

(I think Raspian runs GNOME)

2018-09-16 03:40:30 UTC  

Does anybody here run Windows Server shit, and, does it suck?

2018-09-16 07:53:59 UTC

2018-09-16 07:54:12 UTC  

Tonight I am stacking 2 shifty bois

2018-09-16 08:00:46 UTC  

did you end up making a deal with that guy?

2018-09-16 08:22:04 UTC  

no, he said he "had no idea it would be thathard" based on what i asked him.
So I sent him some long thing about how the sprites are stiched together from tiny tiles and how on the title screen character art some of those tiles might be used elsewhere in the game, etc.
Just as well, the more I look into it the more it looks like a PITA, and I wouldnt be charging him enough.

2018-09-16 08:23:23 UTC  

and if the kid had actual money, he probly wouldnt be trying to get someone to do something stupid like put his favorite pokemon into a sonic game.

2018-09-16 08:23:57 UTC  

If he tells me he will pay what I asked I will probly say I changed my mind about doing it.

2018-09-16 08:25:38 UTC  

So, the Freenove lesson docs refers to the serial out pin as **Q7'**, while the included SGS-Thomson Microelectronics datasheet calls it **QH'**.
The datasheet also refers to QA-QH while freenove calls them Q0-Q7, with Q1-7 corresponding with the pin numbers 1-7 on the left side.
Maybe they should have shipped the TI datasheets, which better match theirs.

2018-09-16 08:26:02 UTC  


2018-09-16 08:26:53 UTC  

SGS-Thomson Microelectronics

2018-09-16 08:27:11 UTC  


2018-09-16 08:27:39 UTC  

Now if you look at the german graphic above, you can see that they mark the pin as **Q7S**.
In any case, it's pin 9.

2018-09-16 08:31:41 UTC  

``` ...and I wouldnt be charging him enough....
and if the kid had actual money, he probly wouldnt be trying to get someone to do something stupid like put his favorite pokemon into a sonic game.```
lol yeah, the same thought crossed my mind

2018-09-16 08:42:05 UTC  

it's very common in that specific community

2018-09-16 08:42:39 UTC  

he probly already asked on Jon's server and the only actual ASMfags told him to scrub off about it

2018-09-16 08:43:52 UTC  

One of the things I told him was that it would basically be easier to make your own Sonic game in a modern engine with blueprints than to make the ultimate Sonic ROMhack for 68k

2018-09-16 08:44:42 UTC  

in b4 unfixable physics bugs on curved slopes

2018-09-16 08:45:11 UTC  

my first thought was "why does he want this, and is he expecting to make money off of it?"

2018-09-16 08:45:40 UTC  


2018-09-16 08:46:15 UTC  

if you want a game thats easy to mod in this way, doom is the way to go

2018-09-16 08:54:18 UTC  

yeah, in the future, (and i'm sure you already know this) an easy way to tell if someone is serious about a project is if they already have everything planned out, and most likely they will make the payment offer, because they NEED someone to do it. otherwise they are are just nerds dicking you around with their poorly thought our fantasy.

2018-09-16 09:02:54 UTC  

"whatever you think is fair" is always a trick

2018-09-16 09:06:42 UTC  

for sure

2018-09-16 13:56:25 UTC  

here's a 6hour spaghetti boi

2018-09-16 13:58:41 UTC  

I missed Sargon vs Metokur for this. I win?

2018-09-16 14:21:11 UTC  

that's cool

2018-09-16 16:41:16 UTC  

EEV droppin thunderf00t shoutouts

2018-09-16 18:18:28 UTC  
2018-09-16 20:00:53 UTC  

My god man. Chapter 21: Hydrothermograpgh is not in C.
It's in C++.
It's *supposed* to be in fuggin' C.

2018-09-17 01:31:33 UTC  


2018-09-17 01:39:32 UTC  

Damn, I picked the wrong degree

2018-09-17 03:59:19 UTC  

I was an artist, no degree tho

2018-09-17 14:58:06 UTC  

when you need free code you have to get it from degenerates <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-09-17 14:58:14 UTC  
