Message from @Mal

Discord ID: 539820358094553088

2019-01-29 14:46:32 UTC  

Tl;dr, retards got upset because you have to be straight in recent DLC to have a kid, and that's hurtful

2019-01-29 14:46:41 UTC  

awards are useless plastic tat that the circle jerks give to each other for feeling good.

2019-01-29 14:47:04 UTC  

"“At worst, this sends the harmful message that sexual orientation can be changed at will and that LGBTQ people can choose to conform to heteronormative expectations in spite of their identities,”

2019-01-29 14:47:27 UTC  

Getting upset at reality is the most prized ability of the SJW

2019-01-29 14:47:32 UTC  

UBISOFT apologised and said they will alter dialog choices

2019-01-29 14:48:30 UTC  

Ah yes, because your sexual orientation matters to your ability to conceive children <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-01-29 14:48:37 UTC  

we will make it so you can change how biology works

2019-01-29 14:48:39 UTC

2019-01-29 14:48:53 UTC  

fuck fortnite

2019-01-29 14:49:24 UTC  

more like fuck China <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-01-29 14:49:56 UTC  

did see that, and I will not give go to the Epic store for that game. I have so many other games that I can play while I wait until it comes to a platform of my choosing at a sale in ca 1 year

2019-01-29 14:50:41 UTC  

Why'd they decide not to sell on steam?

2019-01-29 14:50:51 UTC  

because they are cucks? no clue

2019-01-29 14:51:10 UTC  

Never played a metro anyway

2019-01-29 14:51:16 UTC  

easiest guesses would be more money from sales, no reviews, back hand dealings?

2019-01-29 14:51:24 UTC  

epic did give them a dump truck of cash in hope people wants to use there shity game store

2019-01-29 14:51:25 UTC  

pretty much ^

2019-01-29 14:52:03 UTC  

For those who still wonder where we can get the game besides epic store, here's a few places I recomend:
Both really good and trustworthy websites with tons of seeders for the torrents, just wait for the crack and have fun ;)

from the comments lol

2019-01-29 14:52:45 UTC  

get your commie torrent links outta here

2019-01-29 14:53:15 UTC  

What I want is a Zoids remake. The rpg Zoids on the GBA was lit

2019-01-29 14:53:22 UTC  

torrent sharing seems more anarchist than communist

2019-01-29 14:56:12 UTC  

still be careful of posting that kind of stuff as it can be used against the channel

2019-01-29 14:57:19 UTC  

ah yeah it was a funny comment

2019-01-29 14:57:58 UTC  

Too late. Please add my comment to the image.

2019-01-29 15:06:03 UTC I love how Pro-consumer is not only a bad thing but with quotations marks

2019-01-29 15:06:50 UTC  

they hate Pro-consumer shit after Gamergate as it did show them that they did hate the consumer

say bye to lots of jobs at shitty gaming companies

2019-01-29 17:33:12 UTC  

the crash is coming

Then the Japanese boob games take over

2019-01-29 19:20:35 UTC  

Or it will just backfire, and the next round they will just not sell in Belgium. The Market isn't big enough to warrent a 'different type' of the same game like in China.

2019-01-29 19:25:54 UTC  

the problem is that most of the European nations are waiting on what the other people do. that is why it takes such a long time to anything to happen, but now that Belgium have made a move the rest will slowly follow with their decisions and they are usually the same everywhere when it come to questions like this

2019-01-30 00:34:18 UTC  

Just got a wave of 363 MB updates on several of my Steam games, anyone know what for?

2019-01-30 00:34:31 UTC  


2019-01-30 00:35:55 UTC  

30 games in my DL queue ATM just to collect this tiny update

2019-01-30 04:52:50 UTC  

My guy I cant wait for metro exodus

2019-01-30 04:53:02 UTC  

Have yall seen the artyom edition

2019-01-30 04:53:18 UTC  

It comes with the fucking nixie watch

2019-01-30 04:53:26 UTC  

Its handcrafted

2019-01-30 05:34:21 UTC