Message from @Werlf
Discord ID: 384175046324649994
**I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity.**
jesus fuck
are you a nigger
No, worse
a spic?
Thats not bad
Why do you ask
Well, I'm full English ancestry, so I guess its time to starve of potatos
REEEEEEEE my taters
How will I distill alcohol now?
you dont
look at this shit
Watched a jordan peterson thing
what is this faggots outro screen
Looks like it was made in paint
What video was this?
**I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity.**
eww normie trash get it away
wait, didnt emma whatsherface cry before the UN that the world needs more feminism
Damn why are muh memes going in like documents
that's sure doesn't sound like a keki thing to do, unless she was trolling