Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 515367672192434176

2018-11-22 19:10:41 UTC  

yea if you pull out the Mastercard to buy shit when you are broke you are an idiot, I did use to work in a post office in a general store and did see every time it was pay day, people paying off there Mastercard's and then use same Mastercard to buy food with

muh Doritos

2018-11-22 19:12:00 UTC  

It’s like my roommate who is 26 and has like $300 in his checking, yet is $10K in credit card debt and still buys $1000 in concert tickets each year.

2018-11-22 19:12:24 UTC  

As a finance major, I just have an intense dislike for these people

2018-11-22 19:13:04 UTC  

ouch that is a sure way to be stuck in credit bills for a long time and then they blame everyone else for there money problems

2018-11-22 19:13:33 UTC  

And last month, he had to buy a $7 burrito on his credit card since he spent $500 on concert tickets to some rave he goes to and pops drugs all throughout it

He sounds like a Liberal to me 👍🏿

2018-11-22 19:15:05 UTC  

He is. Total flaming faggot with a victim complex. It was everyone else who made him poor, not him.

2018-11-22 19:15:07 UTC  

sounds like he is a prime candidate for the a TV show we have here in Norway named Luxury trap. you have a tv team show the viewer how much of an idiot with money you are and then try to help you on the right way

2018-11-22 19:15:42 UTC  


2018-11-22 19:15:49 UTC  

Where does he get the money

There's living and then there's living beyond your means.

You can't all be rock stars like me

2018-11-22 19:16:31 UTC  

nothing like getting credit card to pay for your credit card

2018-11-22 19:16:32 UTC  

He works 30hrs/wk, but he just spends it all and wonders where it vanished to.

up his nose?

2018-11-22 23:25:32 UTC  

@Nordhand Lyxfällan🙏 🙏

2018-11-22 23:26:43 UTC  

@Nordhand det bästa med norska och svenska är att vi kan förstå det mesta vi säger

2018-11-22 23:45:52 UTC  

@Nordhand you can actually make money off that. Bouncing debt from card to card and esrning "points" or "cash back"

2018-11-23 03:28:02 UTC  

Grand opening on the 5th anniversary of the war, in a building that used to be a field hospital

2018-11-23 06:54:56 UTC  

Free bikes for nibbers

2018-11-23 06:55:30 UTC

2018-11-23 08:44:00 UTC  

sorry I don't speak immigrant

In Mexico she whines about free food.

now look at her back in Honduras. Doesn;t look poor to me!

2018-11-23 09:00:10 UTC  


2018-11-23 09:43:32 UTC  


2018-11-23 13:13:54 UTC  

I remember the drama the guy that made comic did get from it. he did learn from it and did admit it was kind of stupid. but unlike most he did take it in good mood and did laug of all the memes that did come out of it, including the rule 34/64 porn that did pop up

2018-11-23 14:52:37 UTC  

Yep he's not a retard, he s made some pretty funny comics

2018-11-23 15:41:25 UTC  

It translates to to
"In Mexico suffering from eating *frijolitos*

In Honduras suffering from hunger"

Do you find Refried Beans offensive?

2018-11-23 15:42:48 UTC  

if you complain about the free food when you are "refugee" you did just prove that you are not a "refugee" at all

2018-11-23 15:44:32 UTC  

Basically from what I've gathered it's the food that they've been giving the immigrants, and this woman became viral because she complained that the *frijolitos* fried beans, are food for pigs

2018-11-23 15:45:46 UTC  

go hungry for a few weeks without food and you will change your mind fast about the food you are getting served

Yet people in California buy this for $6

2018-11-23 16:10:36 UTC

```Well, no, because even though Curran and Galvin are the only two people with skin in this game, social justice warriors, feminists and all the like-minded took to the internet to vent, claiming Galvin had no right to interfere with Miss Curran’s marathon moment because his stunt added precious seconds to her time.

Apparently, this makes him a misogynist.```