Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 555418032588062743

2019-03-13 08:43:25 UTC  


Rich people getting their kids into schools like Yale, with money not grades

2019-03-13 08:48:28 UTC  


You the hollyweird types, never trumping, virtue signalling, one rule for them, another for you people

2019-03-13 08:48:34 UTC  

this is news?

2019-03-13 08:49:04 UTC  

pretty sure this has been public knowledge since rich kids and high ranking schools have existed

But gotta let more ghetto kids in somehow

2019-03-13 08:49:57 UTC  

So their kids can flex their Adidas

2019-03-13 08:50:41 UTC  

And maybe impregnate some young lady that can't afford a lawyer to ask for child support<:GWjiangoOmegaLUL:389904150886088723>

Impregnate a young lady and live off her trust fund from Daddy.


2019-03-13 15:34:10 UTC  


Ohh Willow. I like that name. dated a girl in college called that πŸ˜ƒ

2019-03-13 15:43:46 UTC  

the big news about the rich kids getting in to schools is not that is just found out, it that the FBI did arrest like 50 people including people close to Obama

his daughters tennis coach was one I think

2019-03-13 15:49:55 UTC  


2019-03-13 15:50:31 UTC  

and with the Lisa page stuff coming out his reputation is getting hammered

Obama lies? Imagine my shock

Hows the weather in Cuba, there's a hotel there that he was supposed to close.

2019-03-13 15:52:58 UTC

2019-03-13 15:53:48 UTC  

He was fully aware of the unlawful surveillance of Trump. He did do a Nixon

2019-03-13 16:06:43 UTC  

*card shuffle*

2019-03-13 16:07:00 UTC  


2019-03-13 16:07:03 UTC  

how is it dangerous

2019-03-13 16:07:42 UTC  


2019-03-13 16:08:43 UTC  

@MountainMan `non whites are clearly subhuman, so you would be discrimination to treat them as such`
-the left, current year

bigotry of low expectations

That's man-mode the gulls in Britsol are the size of large dogs

2019-03-13 17:13:52 UTC  

I'll just put this here

2019-03-13 17:14:01 UTC  

Is Solar renewable?

```The bill, which passed 43-22 in New Mexico’s increasingly Democratic legislature, requires the state (now one of the country’s top oil, gas, and coal producers) to get 50% of its energy from renewables by 2030 and 80% by 2040. By 2045, it must go entirely carbon-free.```

Export it, let others burn it, virtue signal. = BANK

Lowest carbon footprint AND tax revenue


2019-03-13 18:29:34 UTC  

problem with solar is that we are hitting theoretical max of what we can expect to get out of a solar panel. and a solar panel have a life time of ca 10 years. after 10 years the power output drops like a rock until it just a expensive glass panel that is hard to recycle

and hard to make it the first place <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>