Message from @DanielKO

Discord ID: 409923420592013326

2018-02-05 03:59:49 UTC  

Baby being in her uterus or in her arms.

2018-02-05 04:00:12 UTC  

My point is, we can still make a moral judgement regardless of how practical it is to enforce.

2018-02-05 04:00:39 UTC  

I'm talking about this from a legal perspective, not a moral perspective.

2018-02-05 04:01:31 UTC  

But the whole question is what moral values determine what the law should be.

2018-02-05 04:02:29 UTC  

Morals shouldn't be the sole thing that determines laws, you have to factor in whether enforcing the law is feasable or even possible.

2018-02-05 04:02:43 UTC  

"A human being should have the freedom to do with his/her body whatever he/she wishes" versus "no life should be sacrificed to save somebody a discomfort".

2018-02-05 04:03:12 UTC  

Moral principles are what give origin to laws.

2018-02-05 04:03:37 UTC  

Why should any life be saved?

2018-02-05 04:03:57 UTC  

Okay, okay, slow down a bit.

2018-02-05 04:04:28 UTC  

More specifically, why should the state have the obligation to save any life?

2018-02-05 04:05:33 UTC  

I mean, if a bridge collapses, and a bunch of people die, let their surviving family members sue whoever is responsible for the bridge's collapse. Why should the state get involved?

2018-02-05 04:06:17 UTC  

With abortion laws, it's pretty much you either legalize it or you make it illegal. If you legalize it, a small portion of women will kill babies because the pill is too difficult. However, making it illegal will cause a portion of women who were impregnated against their will to be forced to raise a child they didn't ask for.

2018-02-05 04:06:29 UTC  

One could argue that the state has a moral obligation to ensure everyone has a chance to survive.

2018-02-05 04:07:27 UTC  

One could also argue the state has a moral obligation to ensure everyone has the right to not have their lives ruined by forces outside of their control.

2018-02-05 04:07:32 UTC  

Only 1% of abortions are done as result of rape, mind you.

2018-02-05 04:07:38 UTC  

See: flood insurance

2018-02-05 04:08:11 UTC  

Do you really think that women are just going to start aborting babies for trivial reasons just because it's legal?

2018-02-05 04:08:35 UTC  

Less than 1% of abortions are done to save the mother's life.

2018-02-05 04:08:42 UTC  

If a woman is aborting a baby and going through all of that emotional trauma, there's likely a damn good reason for it.

2018-02-05 04:08:49 UTC  

They already *are* aborting for trivial reasons.

2018-02-05 04:09:19 UTC  

Define trivial.

2018-02-05 04:09:33 UTC  

I'm not talking about saving women's lives, I'm talking about saving their chance to have a life outside of poverty.

2018-02-05 04:09:53 UTC  

Okay, let me answer this question before you ask another.

2018-02-05 04:10:01 UTC  

Women are allowed to give their baby for adoption.

2018-02-05 04:12:26 UTC  

When I say trivial, I mean women should be allowed to abort a baby if it's going to screw over their life. The woman is the one who decides that.

2018-02-05 04:14:02 UTC  

Let's simplify this discussion; I'm making the same points as Crowder, it's easier to see where he went. Then you can decide if you have a better response:

2018-02-05 04:15:00 UTC  

If you truly think a 9 month baby isn't worth saving because the mother doesn't want, then, like Crowder, we don't have much to discuss.

2018-02-05 04:15:42 UTC  

Then indeed you need to make the point of what life, if any, deserves protection.

2018-02-05 04:20:07 UTC  

I genuinely doubt I could change your mind, regardless of what sort of reason I use to explain it. You've done a great job explaining your point of view, but it isn't going to change my mind either. Good talk though, you really had me at a loss a few times. 👍

2018-02-05 04:24:51 UTC  

I strongly recommend you to watch those two videos. He's legitimately trying to find a common ground. He's not being sarcastic, dismissive, or anything. The point is, if you can't derive your politics from anything other than tribal instinct of "us vs them", you might be wrong and you don't know it. And by "wrong" I mean contradict a principle you yourself hold true. One of the big divisions between left and right is, one thing the government has the duty to guarantee comfort, the other thinks the government has the duty prevent death.

2018-02-05 04:27:31 UTC  

He didn't make any religious argument by the way.

2018-02-05 04:29:11 UTC  

holy tits thats like an hour and 40 minutes of video

2018-02-05 04:29:26 UTC  

It's various conversations.

2018-02-05 04:29:39 UTC  

You can watch one or two or however many you think it's worth it.

2018-02-05 04:29:58 UTC  

I'll have to watch like half tonight and the rest tomorrow, thanks for sharing the vids with me

2018-02-05 04:30:00 UTC  

Come on, if you watch JBP, that's not bad.

2018-02-05 04:30:21 UTC  

I've seen some of Crowder's stuff and I thought most of it was pretty funny

2018-02-05 04:30:56 UTC  

I thought he was just a clown, but the Change My Mind videos made me actually pay more attention to him.

2018-02-05 04:31:00 UTC  

He's very smart.

2018-02-05 04:32:45 UTC  

Oh, maybe skip the first one, it's 1 hour with one bitch that just keeps going around in circles, talking about her own abortion and just ignoring anything Crowder said. "My pregnancy was traumatic, are you saying I shouldn't have aborted?"

2018-02-05 04:33:37 UTC  

The second one is much better.