Message from @khimære
Discord ID: 334012392981921793
As long as I'm on this topic, I might as well go on and offer you gentlemen some constructive criticism for your consideration as you debate whether or not to wear masks during our activism. It's self-defeating. The message it sends creates exactly the opposite effect of the case cited above. You're essentially telling your audience that it is not OK to endorse your message.
The media is the message.
ALWAYS wear masks
not just to protect yourself from antifa, but from the real enemy.
Jimmy's right, ditch the masks.
I disagree with this.
the thing is the majority of people do not agree with us.
sure they may not fully agree with that general narrative however: the lemming generally does not care.
They might on that more unconscious level prefer to stay with their own (in larger numbers, but again: unconsciously) however otherwise: they do not agree with us.
They do not come to that point of thinking (usually) until they are *pushed* to that point.
though that is a bit of a different subject.
It doesn't have to be one way or the other. I would suggest carefully considering the pros and cons of mask wearing individually in the context of a particular activism project. In the case of an overpass demonstrations anonymity is not not typically at risk unless and until someone exits the freeway, circles around, parks and approaches the demonstrators on foot. At that point, demonstrators wishing to disguise themselves have ample time to don a mask.
There is also the variable of the passerby on the overpasses.
Yes, it's dependent on the particular overpass.
how so? an overpass is an overpass.
Cross traffic on freeway overpasses varies enormously. Most rural overpasses with no on and off ramps don't even have sidewalks because pedestrian traffic is virtually non existent. Vehicular traffic is sparse and visibility of oncoming traffic is high.
@khimære Your position is instructive and I hope you won’t be offended if I use it to validate Alex’s thesis that most whiteskins share our beliefs.
Your strong advocacy for the wearing of masks is clear evidence that you fear the consequences of being identified with your beliefs. If you’re afraid, why would normies not be afraid? It's far more likely that they are afraid, but find hiding their opinions easier than hiding their faces. Our mission, as I see it, is to allay those fears.
No it is simply stupid not to wear a mask.
You only make yourself a target otherwise.
Look at it the same way that one shouldn't get face tattoos.
This is the one area where antifa is acting a lot smarter than the majority of reactionary types.
on another note, it removes that individual identity as it is the message and presentation that matters.
and why would it matter whether normies are afraid or not? If anything that is good.
Sure they may scorn you either way, but you'll get a lot more out of them if they fear you.
This is why the more openly nazi groups (such as NA) masking themselves have been so successful in their networking.
I think the best example of effective activism is currently being set by Richard Spencer et al, and I can't imagine them being as effective if they were dressed like bank robbers.
>Richard Spencer
That is not at all effective. They are doing the exact same stuff that was done decades ago. It is not working.
Time to rob those "diversity" banks and empty out their rainbow vaults. Skittles for everybody! Taste our rainbows!
🌈 🔫😷
I personally think Spencer is the best thing going, but not everyone has the ability to mimic that style, so hopefully each of us will find the place in the world of racial activism where he is best suited.
the best thing going? Don't make me laugh!
If *that* is the best thing going, then we're all doomed.
We may well be doomed.
*antifa* does more for our struggle than Richard Spencer and the Alt-right does.
While the alt-right keeps trying to appeal to a system that seeks their destruction: Antifa is at least facilitating a further semblance of instability.
It could be true that antifa does more in spite of their intentions, but I don't think that is a good reason to imitate them.
It has nothing to do with imitating them. and the DO far more for revolution than the Alt-right.
Sure the positive messages of the National Alliance are good messages however it is nothing to build a whole platform for.
around* not for