Message from @Wehrmacht
Discord ID: 315164281517899777
I guess that is a good color for a battle flag, but it varies highly from our national flag
they need to be similar. The nazis had the blood flag and the kreigsmarine for their wehrmacht
I like the blood red flag. I'm also not a Cascadia goy. I could care less about the term history of the Cascadia fag movement. I could also care less about being associated with the greatest people of the past 100 years.
The blood flag was the flag of their party
I was thinking our alternate symbol is the "peace" flag, switching to the black sun as a "battle flag"
We do need one for wartime and for us as a people
If we are trying to mask our intentions and afraid to stand for our beliefs then lets quit now. Our race is dead. The game is over. We are just zombies roaming around watching the end times.
cascadia will ideally be our future balkanized ethnostate
We have to build a home here
Well there's a reason we aren't using straight up swazis
The black sun is literally us masking our intentions, while dogwhistling
can't want a balkanized enthnostate and be afraid to openly declare it for the whole world to see.
Cause we're chickenshits?
to those who understand its symbolism
Jimmy got it
We did declare it, in the media release
Yes @Jimmy Marr our race is dead because we are chickenshits. Let's have some fun while we are here.
No, we aren't chicken shits, we just aren't national socialist german workers in the 1930s
thats why we are not using swastika
if we want to larp, we should do like that we should just suit up like that police officer in portland
We all love our german forefathers
they were OBVIOUSLY the good goys
but we have to make our own way, like the Golden Dawn has
using ancient symbols of our great ancestors is never's the jew who wants you to think that way. they want you to throw away each of our power symbols as they are declared "hate".
Antifa is so mocked because they larp like oppressed proletariates in soviet russia
we can't larp like german workers
No I agree bro
whatever symbol we use will be declared "hate". look at fucking PEPE the frog lol.
I revere the swastika, that is why I used it in my posters
and agree again, they will deem anything loved by whites and make it hateful
they are kikes, thats the name of their game
They will destroy our symbols until we are left with nothing...
Thats a good thing
the more innocuous our symbolism
the more hysterical and stupid they look calling it hateful
The sonnenrad is our generations swastika
and the more the overton window is moved in our direction
I agree