Message from @Goblin_Slayer_Floki

Discord ID: 507951763479986179

2018-11-02 16:11:00 UTC  

Because of the ket that one wants to keep to tradition, and the other wants change.

2018-11-02 16:11:15 UTC  

You mean progressive?

2018-11-02 16:12:35 UTC  

No. Liberals want social and political reform as well
Just with the highlight of individual liberty.

Progressive wants it but without the individual.

Conservative is extremeply reluctant to change.

2018-11-02 16:13:02 UTC  

Everyone wants political and social reform

2018-11-02 16:13:13 UTC  

Conservative doesnt.

2018-11-02 16:13:51 UTC  

What kind of weird ass conservatives are you talking about that wanto to maintain TODAYS status quo?

2018-11-02 16:14:12 UTC  

Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. The central tenets of conservatism include tradition, human imperfection, organic society, hierarchy and authority, and property rights.[1] Conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions such as monarchy, religion, parliamentary government, and property rights, with the aim of emphasizing social stability and continuity.[2] The more extreme elements—reactionaries—oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were".

2018-11-02 16:14:29 UTC  

I know the dictionary definition of conservative

2018-11-02 16:14:46 UTC  

Naw the conservatives today want the status quoe before the progressive changes

2018-11-02 16:15:02 UTC  

And are reluctant to any new progressive changes

2018-11-02 16:15:22 UTC  

Right, and the status quo before progressives was Liberalism

2018-11-02 16:15:40 UTC  

Depending on the age of the conservative that status quo was the 50s/60s

2018-11-02 16:16:47 UTC  

It was liberal of that day

2018-11-02 16:17:05 UTC  

I don't agree really, unless you think conservatives aren't intelligent enough to understand the changes that were made in the 20s

2018-11-02 16:17:05 UTC  

What your not understanding is liberal and progressive never go back.

2018-11-02 16:17:37 UTC  

All comservative does is choose a point and build the parapits.

2018-11-02 16:17:54 UTC  

That's a ridiculous strawman of conservativism

2018-11-02 16:18:11 UTC  

No its litterally the meaning of it

2018-11-02 16:18:43 UTC  

Alright, well you continue working with your one dimensional Webster's definition

2018-11-02 16:18:46 UTC  

Conservatives before were pro monarchy. Then later some were pro revolution. And so on

2018-11-02 16:18:57 UTC  

This isnt just webster but the history

2018-11-02 16:19:22 UTC  

The first established use of the term in a political context originated in 1818 with François-René de Chateaubriand[5] during the period of Bourbon Restoration that sought to roll back the policies of the French Revolution. Historically associated with right-wing politics, the term has since been used to describe a wide range of views. There is no single set of policies regarded as conservative because the meaning of conservatism depends on what is considered traditional in a given place and time. Thus conservatives from different parts of the world—each upholding their respective traditions—may disagree on a wide range of issues. Edmund Burke, an 18th-century politician who opposed the French Revolution but supported the American Revolution, is credited as one of the main theorists of conservatism in Great Britain in the 1790s.

2018-11-02 16:19:30 UTC  

And I'm telling you that "Conservatism" is a fully fleshed out ideology just the same as others

2018-11-02 16:20:43 UTC  

There is no single set of policies regarded as conservative, because the meaning of conservatism depends on what is tradition at that givr place and time.

2018-11-02 16:20:53 UTC  

Conservative isn't just a synonym for "those who maintain the status quo"

2018-11-02 16:21:11 UTC  

Its derived from traditionalism

2018-11-02 16:21:16 UTC  

We are talking about 2018 specifically

2018-11-02 16:21:35 UTC  

Yes and conservatives around the world still have different views

2018-11-02 16:22:03 UTC  

Hell conservatives IN THE US have different views of what is tradition

2018-11-02 16:22:24 UTC  

Some do believe the 40s 50s is the american tradition, some have modernized.

2018-11-02 16:23:18 UTC  

But the key is. Liberalism and progressivism is always bringing changes to the traditions. Conservatives figure what is traditional and try to protect it.

2018-11-02 16:23:34 UTC  

Kinda two sides of the same coin and a great balancer

2018-11-02 16:50:30 UTC  

idk, I don't see how Liberalism can lead to social changes with defined principles.

2018-11-02 16:50:55 UTC  

It should be a constant

2018-11-02 17:08:36 UTC  

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki that was a pretty good read

2018-11-02 17:11:03 UTC  

I didnt say that. I meant they check and balance each other. While one advicates for needed changes. The other weights it against traditions and values and supports or fights the changes

2018-11-02 17:13:31 UTC  


2018-11-02 17:44:20 UTC  

Maybe I'm so much of a traditionalist that I dont see the need to advocate for any future unforseeable changes

That's where you're wrong kid