Message from @Legiondude
Discord ID: 509826241424130048
Attorney General Alex Jones of Austin, Texas
Hell yes
Can you imagine Alex Jones and Nancy Pelosi in the same room.
Sure I can
Alex Jones : * Dashes toward her to rip the fake face off her Lizard face*
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Why are these all so terrible?
put them in code blocks lol
can't just copy paste your already fucked ascii lol
Yea prolly wanted to earlier and waited till post election to see if there would be any big obstivlr to a new confirmation.
In light of that, makes me wonder if Styx is gonna be right again that Donald will bait the new House with a grand deal(in exchange for stuff like funds for The Wall) which would include pot legalization on the federal level
I didnt realize. Devos was the only appointment in history to need a vp approval.
>500 pounds returned if 5% vote is recieved
Let's get rid of the Β£500 limit, let the people pick whoever they want. "Serious" or not
she is married to her brother. How progressive.
he respects whamen so much he beats them out of love to get them on the correct path
guy looks like george clooney but isnt actually george clooney
Just had an argument with my mother.
She's upset that Sessions resigned.
And she's all "if this keeps going on I'm going to the UK"
She's so far up the left's ass.
I love her because she's my mom, but it's like, this is exactly what the CNN demographic looks like.
I told her too straight up, that the democrats are losing now because they've been chimping out for the past two years.
And she got mad.
I honestly can't wait to move out.