Message from @nutsnax

Discord ID: 526286817973239808

2018-12-23 06:20:12 UTC  

I.... don't know what you're saying but okay

2018-12-23 06:20:37 UTC  

There's literally *one* barrier at this new level, and that is Visa/MasterCard

2018-12-23 06:20:41 UTC  

meaning whoever gets outed as being the deplatformer will be no one of consequence

2018-12-23 06:21:17 UTC  

I guess you haven't heard how far he wants to go with it

2018-12-23 06:21:26 UTC  

how far ?

2018-12-23 06:21:38 UTC  

Like, replacing stripe/Paypal

2018-12-23 06:21:46 UTC  

All DIY in house

2018-12-23 06:22:30 UTC  

But guess who is friends with the Intellectual Dark web? <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-12-23 06:22:41 UTC  


2018-12-23 06:22:52 UTC  

Peter Thiel, the original creator of PayPal

2018-12-23 06:24:07 UTC  

will probably be crypto friendly then

2018-12-23 06:26:42 UTC  

well, whatever it ends up being, if it's tied in any way to the traditional banks and payment processors then it won't work

2018-12-23 06:27:25 UTC  

Thing is, the higher up you go, the more regulation you have. Eventually you reach a point where the company has no choice but to service you

2018-12-23 06:27:45 UTC  

one problem I could see then would be the site getting gabbed

2018-12-23 06:28:24 UTC  

it would have to be soup-to-nuts DIY from the ground up like 1998 style shit

2018-12-23 06:28:52 UTC  

Or exist entirely on the blockchain/hyperchain

2018-12-23 06:30:23 UTC  

right, maybe a use-case for storj or something

2018-12-23 06:35:25 UTC  

Or there's the 'new' internet

2018-12-23 06:35:37 UTC  

I still don't know how it's used

2018-12-23 06:35:45 UTC  

I should probably read more about that

2018-12-23 06:35:55 UTC  

I heard of it, but I'm with you - no idea how it's used

2018-12-23 06:37:07 UTC  

I think all user data is linked to the user account, which is singular/universal across all sites, and your account is 'hosted' by a server which serves your data on request of a particular site

2018-12-23 06:37:57 UTC  

So basically, cloud based meme folders, where you hotlink your stuff instead of uploading it

2018-12-23 06:38:49 UTC  

not sure how i feel about the singular/universal part

2018-12-23 06:39:11 UTC  

It's not like a replacement

2018-12-23 06:39:41 UTC  

Imagine like the split between image boards and social media

2018-12-23 06:39:57 UTC  

But platforms can't really get rid of you anymore

2018-12-23 06:40:54 UTC  

Just 'ban' you, but they have no inherent advantage of owning a database to control, so there's more competition of platforms

2018-12-23 06:41:53 UTC  

oh that would definitely be a no-no for the elites

2018-12-23 06:42:44 UTC  

I think Sargon's experience with Patreon might be an indicator that they only let you live as long as you aren't big enough to be a threat - once you cross that line you're done

2018-12-23 06:57:30 UTC  

Not sure how i feel about the 'at request of the site' part moreso

2018-12-23 07:10:15 UTC  

I'm writing what I think it is they're trying to do. Take it with a grain of salt.

I'm fairly confident you can select what info is given to them. Kind of like sharing a google doc or whatever? Does that makes sense?

2018-12-23 07:10:56 UTC  

Like, you would 'delete' a social media account by taking away the hotlinking rights to the site via your end

2018-12-23 07:15:09 UTC  

By 'request' I meant like "Oh, someone wants to know who Fitz is. Better pull up his bio...", and then 'request' it from the server your account is hosted on

George Galloway just said that Trident is useless against Drones flying over Gatwick

Fucking anti-nuclear mental twat

2018-12-23 09:38:07 UTC  
2018-12-23 09:39:11 UTC  

this is the bill that is supposed to reverse the main problem of Operation Choke Point:

2018-12-23 09:39:40 UTC  


(a) Termination Requests Or Orders Must Be Valid.โ€”

(1) IN GENERAL.โ€”An appropriate Federal banking agency may not formally or informally request or order a depository institution to terminate a specific customer account or group of customer accounts or to otherwise restrict or discourage a depository institution from entering into or maintaining a banking relationship with a specific customer or group of customers unlessโ€”

(A) the agency has a valid reason for such request or order; and

>>>(B) such reason is not based solely on reputation risk.<<<```

2018-12-23 09:39:56 UTC  

remember she used to work for PayPal during the Obama administration and looks like she's still operating under these conditions

2018-12-23 09:40:07 UTC  

Sargon's brand is deemed a reputational risk to them
she basically keeps repeating that point