Message from @Ondsinet

Discord ID: 543233217931640894

you can see why I prefer watching on iPlayer


2019-02-07 23:36:52 UTC  

let the rage flow through your veins...

I need that rage for when I step barefoot on a lego in the dark

2019-02-07 23:38:40 UTC  

Jacob Rees-Mogg on next week's show, but unfortunately so is Jimmy Wales - the founder of Wikipedia and owner of the Guardian (I think)

board member until 2017

the guardian is even too shit for him

2019-02-07 23:40:33 UTC  


2019-02-07 23:47:51 UTC  

The last question is about having a pub inside Parliament...

2019-02-07 23:48:14 UTC  

Funny thing though, they forgot to mention this drunken pervert...

they are always accross the street anyway

He's trying to grab her by her

2019-02-08 00:07:58 UTC  


2019-02-08 00:51:04 UTC  

Audience plant, apparently

aren't they all? <:alex_jones:453626940021276672>

2019-02-08 00:54:25 UTC  


2019-02-08 00:54:51 UTC

Sounds like a Scotsman in Scotland 🀷🏿

2019-02-08 02:32:28 UTC  


2019-02-08 02:49:21 UTC  


2019-02-08 03:31:31 UTC
WTF is she even talking about?

2019-02-08 03:31:50 UTC  

*wanna play a game?*

2019-02-08 03:37:59 UTC  

Can I have some of that green deal as I don't feel like I have have to work anymore

2019-02-08 06:02:26 UTC  

stupid pope

2019-02-08 06:02:41 UTC  

they need to get rid of that guy

2019-02-08 06:16:04 UTC  

This is going to be very next

2019-02-08 07:30:17 UTC  

@Nordhand The funny thing is is with that.

By the points:
1 - For america to be 100% green would need complete adoption of Nuclear, which will never happen.

2 - "Create Union Jobs" - Businesses create the jobs, the workers unionize. Unions only create bureaucratic jobs paid for by the dues of the union members. Not sure how that pans out.

3 - Utter nonsense, unless she means "Learn to Code" see how well that is going with journos.

4- That would cost those communities more than it would help them.

5- FDR's 'second bill of rights' was nonsense that was abandoned soon after but breaking it down:

a- Medical and Family leave is already guaranteed by law. Vacations and Retirement are incentives that most businesses already give. "Family sustaining wage" is far to vague, and available to anyone willing to move past 'entry level' work.

b- "High Quality Education" the only way to do this is to give it to the private sector. See state scoring of Private and Charter Schools vs their Public counterparts. Much of the issue is those Teacher's Unions, but she already wants more "union jobs" soo. Also doubtful she is really thinking of "Trade Schools" since trade workers tend to be anti-socialist.

c- Already have those, and tbh more so than many other countries.

d- "Healthy Food" is ambiguous, we have some of the best food available in the world, and also the freedom of choice of what we want to eat. Guess bread lines are the healthiest of all?

e- (Can't see in that example cause line)

2019-02-08 07:31:54 UTC  

f- Every "Affordable Housing" development ends up becoming slums if they are subsidized. The easiest way to make housing more affordable, it to outlaw HOA's, and open more land to development.

g- The US has quite strict anti-trust laws as is, they simply need properly enforced tbh. But just because people own shares of the market, doesn't mean monopoly, which she probably thinks.

h- We already have economic safety nets for those unable to work. Unwilling is a personal choice, and they already leach off the safety nets for those unable, when they should be banned from them.

6- She failed to report that even at "20%" (which is actually closer to 19ish) it is a massive decrease compared to where we were even 5 years ago.

7- "Moonshot"? Really? Fire her to the moon.
a- We were halfway there by the time JFK took office. Few if any thought it out of reach, and tbh a few today still say we never arrived.

b- They asked how he would pay for it then, and he made a common sense proposal, and backed the reasoning post WW2 that we needed a quick, reliable system to transport troops quickly, and it was highly supported.

c- Every Business leader and CEO did laugh, until he came with the Tax Money, and they overhauled all production to do so. Money speaks louder than words.

2019-02-08 09:10:35 UTC  

how does leaving pee in open sunlight help sanitize it

2019-02-08 10:02:29 UTC  

@Ondsinet she obviously failed her economics course, why should science be any different?