Message from @AlephKnoll

Discord ID: 552552915630424076

2019-03-05 17:41:37 UTC  

It's pretty good

2019-03-05 17:42:30 UTC  

europe is dying a slow death

2019-03-05 17:42:32 UTC  

only good thing Macron can say now is that he is resigning and doing like napoleon and leaves France in exile

2019-03-05 17:42:57 UTC  

but napoleon was forced into exile by foreign powers.....

he wants a EU minimum wage but that will be adjusted by what country you are in <:what:382980756139409409>

2019-03-05 17:43:53 UTC  

minimum wage do not work as it will always bee eaten up by the market

2019-03-05 17:46:03 UTC  

if I force everyone to have a minimum wage the money will not pop out of thin air. it have to come from somewhere so I will increase the prices on my goods and poff the minimum wage is already gone or if I cant rise the price anymore well someone have to learn to stand in the unemployment line tomorrow

2019-03-05 17:46:48 UTC  

if everyone makes a minimum amount of money, that should also put upward pressure on prices at the lower end of the economy

2019-03-05 17:47:10 UTC  

frick minimum wage we be joining unions

2019-03-05 17:47:57 UTC  

if you give every household $10,000 then prices will rise, at least temporarily, to soak up that new cash

2019-03-05 17:49:31 UTC  

and as money cant appear out of thin air. the question comes where are we to find the money for such a stupid idea

2019-03-05 17:49:48 UTC

2019-03-05 17:52:39 UTC  

@nutsnax extra inflation from it might be temperary, but prices never deflait from minimum wage hikes.

2019-03-05 17:53:12 UTC  

right, with permanent wage hikes come permanent price increases

2019-03-05 17:53:58 UTC  

It always ends up mute. Making 5 per hour equal to 10 per hour.

2019-03-05 17:54:45 UTC  

Where it hurts are people who work hard and have a career where they make more than minimum. Their salaries tend to not rise, or do so at a slower pace.

2019-03-05 17:55:15 UTC  

I ran into that when Oregon raised their minimum wage.

2019-03-05 17:55:15 UTC  

and we know that comes from uncheck immigration from data over several years

You get paid different amounts of the same currency based on what country you are in but it's minimum wage

2019-03-05 18:48:33 UTC  

wtf lol

2019-03-05 18:50:33 UTC  

this must be Trump 4D chess

2019-03-05 18:51:34 UTC  

he got Cohen to pretend to roll on him to throw them off and make them look like idiots right?

2019-03-05 18:51:39 UTC  

yea, just by existing he is making his enemies fuck up all the time

2019-03-05 18:57:20 UTC  

I could maybe see something like the 4D theory happening if Trump knew the kind of shit he was getting into, knew all of the people/players within the government already and procured some expendable idiots (which you could argue that cohen is) to throw the deep state's cadre of corrupt attorneys like chaff to a missle

2019-03-05 19:08:23 UTC  

Yeah, I see raw bumbling idiocy from the other side being more likely. They got fat and complacent after eight years of Obama.

2019-03-05 19:08:55 UTC  

they did not plan for Hillary to loose

2019-03-05 19:11:19 UTC  

Ayup. They're having to play it by ear now and they have no idea what they're doing.

2019-03-05 19:19:55 UTC  

yah, that's the far more likely scenario

2019-03-05 20:45:31 UTC  

why are humanrightswatch talking about animals smh

2019-03-05 20:45:45 UTC  

also, all of this are rookie numbers. gotta get them higher. <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-03-05 21:24:03 UTC  

sounds like some lit ass lyrics to some rap

2019-03-05 21:25:06 UTC  

Wait that isn't a parody of a song?

2019-03-05 21:25:30 UTC  

oh its an actual thing

2019-03-05 21:25:33 UTC  

oh I didnt see the notes