Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 508307184988454933

2018-11-03 10:25:01 UTC  

They advice parents gainst biting their children ... Who the fuck bites their children oO ? I can get behind smacking, kicking, hitting, throwing sth @ them, throwing them against something ... but biting ????

I'm such a intimdating force. Never needed to raise my hand

"I'm not angry, I'm disappointed"

and all negotiations with a 'Child Terrorist' involve a bribe such as Milkshake or Ice Cream

It's 'penny for your thoughts'

Why did not eat your Carrots?

Why did get in trouble at school?

Why did you shout at your Mother and throw that at her?

If I had ever hit / smack she would Fear me. Instead she respects me

I used to drink in Squady Pubs like this

Atleast 3 fights per night

```The Football Association banned women from playing matches at affiliated clubs from 1921 until 1971, calling the sport "quite unsuitable for females". ```

```News site The Intercept was able to launch a promotion aimed at 168,000 users interested in "white genocide."```

2018-11-03 13:38:50 UTC  

@Skyeranger biting is a punishment that only ever needs to be done once and only for some kids. If a child bites you, you bite them back so they know what it feels like and they don't do it again.

2018-11-03 13:40:50 UTC  


2018-11-03 15:51:16 UTC  

not christine ford btw

2018-11-03 15:51:18 UTC  

but still

Throw her down a hole

2018-11-03 16:49:24 UTC  

so my kavanaugh can be free

2018-11-03 17:14:33 UTC

2018-11-03 19:17:04 UTC  


2018-11-03 19:28:47 UTC  

Except they generally dont do half of that.

2018-11-03 19:30:18 UTC  

Agriculture and janitorial are about it lol

2018-11-03 19:30:58 UTC  

they don't take out the trash tho cuz if they did they'd have to go back to mexico

2018-11-03 19:31:13 UTC  

so rude

2018-11-03 19:31:16 UTC  

If that for janitorial.

I heard the best plan for getting everify to work better the other day.

Remove the employer tax write off for employees unless properly everified

I mow my own lawn, like the Peasant I am

2018-11-03 19:31:39 UTC  


2018-11-03 19:31:52 UTC  

<:kermit_wat:378719408534716426> That's a great idea!

2018-11-03 19:31:55 UTC  

If it doesnt burn down with the yearly fires

2018-11-03 19:31:56 UTC  

what are you, a hard working person?

2018-11-03 20:33:45 UTC  

Lol the logic

2018-11-03 20:33:54 UTC  

Giant caravan of people escaping shitty countries