Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 515534484741816320

2018-11-23 09:18:31 UTC  

I don't think we can ever trust our MPs to do anything

2018-11-23 09:18:34 UTC  

you just gotta hope

MP here barely goes into London. It's 35mins away


Suck a big one China <:covfefe:440543908846632980>

2018-11-23 13:25:01 UTC  

pack it in

Those capital letters are <:triggered:382980748115968000> me

2018-11-23 14:23:37 UTC  

I don't see what the big deal is hiring a subject matter expert as an advisor Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

It's Tommy. He doesn't like Islam. LUTON MAN BAD <:NPC:500042735617703967>

2018-11-23 14:25:04 UTC  

they keep saying he is far right

2018-11-23 14:25:19 UTC  

I'm pretty sure Tommy isn't far right πŸ€”

2018-11-23 14:25:53 UTC  

he doesn't want young women to get treated as sex slaves what a bigot

2018-11-23 14:27:41 UTC  

they cant have a person that knows the truth out there that is not afraid to speak it. as that will brake the lie they have used years to build up

I'm sorry but you can say whatever you like about Christians but if you insult Islam the Muslims will riot and overpower the Police in about 10mins

LUTON MAN BAD <:NPC:500042735617703967>

2018-11-23 14:28:34 UTC  

so what I'm hearing here is that we're totally fine with Muslim rape gangs

2018-11-23 14:29:28 UTC  

a small sacrifice on the alter of diversity is to be expected, what are you a islamafobe?

Yes, just as long as they don't go on a murderous rampage, those working class girls are trash anyways!

LUTON MAN BAD! <:NPC:500042735617703967>

2018-11-23 14:34:56 UTC  

by the time these retards realise how much damage they're doing to our country it's gonna be too fucking late to do anything about it

That's the plan <:makes_you_think:382980749780844554>

```Jose Angel Prenda, Jesus Cabezuelo, Jesus Escudero, Angel Boza and Antonio Manuel Guerrero have been dubbed the 'wolf pack' after the name of their WhatsApp group```


```The men, who had recorded video of the attack on their mobile phones and laughed about the incident afterwards on a Whatsapp group, were charged with the lesser crime of sexual abuse instead of rape.```


2018-11-23 16:14:16 UTC  

no rape if he is not white. that was what the idiots did want, strange they do not like it in practise

2018-11-23 16:25:26 UTC  

That's quite a big story that has been going on for some time in Spain

Well its hit our shores now

2018-11-23 16:27:31 UTC  

And it was a huge scandal. One of the members of the "wolfpack" was a member of the military, and has been expelled for it

2018-11-23 17:00:01 UTC  


2018-11-23 17:39:18 UTC  

all they miss is a nanny to tell them to go to bed at 9 so they can feel rebellious by staying up to 10

```their bikes```