Message from @Christopher

Discord ID: 531378677280407555

2019-01-06 05:29:43 UTC  

Hell Japan has a bigger Communist Party with 1 seat in their Representatives, and nothing else. And no one (Not even their Social Democrates) Coalition with them. The "Rising Sun" party is even less popular then them.

2019-01-06 05:30:03 UTC  

I'm not talking about getting in via the government.

2019-01-06 05:30:25 UTC  

Via Coup? Yea wont happen. There is no other route to power.

2019-01-06 05:31:03 UTC  

fat chance of that happening

2019-01-06 05:31:13 UTC  

I take that back, their Communist party lost their only seat

2019-01-06 05:31:17 UTC  

in the last election

2019-01-06 05:31:20 UTC  

and if that does happen, you think people won't notice?

2019-01-06 05:32:01 UTC  

It won't. The communists attempted it a couple times and failed miserably.

2019-01-06 05:32:10 UTC  

And that was during the fractured time post WW2.

2019-01-06 05:32:36 UTC  

Japan is far more unified behind their government system these days, so a coup is near impossible

2019-01-06 05:33:54 UTC  

And again, the US is still there and still highly tied to Japan. We would SOOO stand around as a new Imperial Japan is born...>_>

2019-01-06 05:37:11 UTC  

it doesn't necessarily even have to be communists.

2019-01-06 05:37:52 UTC  

it could be someone who genuinely wants to bring back the emperor, but he won't say that until after he has consolidated power.

2019-01-06 05:38:31 UTC  

and he doesn't care about paying money to some media company to make them look good.

2019-01-06 05:39:33 UTC  

I'm afraid I don't much give a shit about wild fiction novel ideas

2019-01-06 05:53:45 UTC  

The emperor is still there....

And obviously you have reading comprehension issues. I said the communists tried a Coup before. They learned their lot in Japan.

But yea the Emperor is still in Japan, the direct decendent of Hirohito. And he has accepted the position given as a figurehead with little to no power like the UK's Crown. TBH he probably enjoys the cushy lifestyle like his children do. And tbh Akihito is abjucating in April, and the heir apparent will take his place.

Kinda cool, he is also calling the end of the Heisei Period of Emperors with this move.

2019-01-06 05:55:51 UTC  

Did you ever get deployed there?

2019-01-06 05:57:11 UTC  

Sadly no. Japan is Navy/Marine. I got orders for Korea, but was redirected to Ft. Hood when they decided to Med Discharge me. Though I have a few old battles who are in Korea, and torment me with it lol.

2019-01-06 05:58:10 UTC  

But I did get 6 years (off and on with deployments) in Europe, which was an experience I came to value.

2019-01-06 07:49:09 UTC  

The mom of the murdered daughter claimed it was an evil white racist to drum up hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and publicity. Turns out it was a black guy who did it for gang reasons.

2019-01-06 07:51:25 UTC  


2019-01-06 08:55:05 UTC  

are those women taking selfies of their eye slits?

2019-01-06 08:57:33 UTC  

what's the point lol

2019-01-06 09:27:37 UTC  

Man all whining about being disadvantaged to whamen should move to saudi arabia. There you will have equal rights

2019-01-06 09:28:01 UTC  

Such a progressive society

Someone call the Feminists, this sounds right up their street

2019-01-06 09:29:02 UTC  

Iranian thots are the only true feminists i have seen in a while... all westerners embrace the hijab

2019-01-06 09:30:00 UTC  

Iranian thot that fled iran gets called an islamophobe by a white progressive belgian whamen.. for saying hijab shouldnt be mandatory

2019-01-06 09:30:25 UTC  

We truly live in a alternate timeline.


2019-01-06 10:08:07 UTC  

Lol just eat less food. Like saying just look less porn. Or drink less alcohol. Not everyone is equal. Easier said than done. NORTH KOREA IS GREAT

but the Doctor was a meanie. People said bad words!

We need more wild animals

Maybe some Wolves

Sabre Tooth Tigers

2019-01-06 11:04:21 UTC  
