Message from @white_north
Discord ID: 352922651846770689
Yeah it was nice meeting you goys
yeah man had lots of fun
gotta do it again soon
Violence really is a last option for me.
Until then I'm all smiles and diplomacy.
yeah diplomacy is usually where im at
Eventually that avenue won't be an option.
These "people" aren't reasonable or rational.
you're the tank , i'm the MG heh
Sounds about right. 😉
I can add buffs
Blessing of Kings!
bubonic btw
has alot of good music we were discussing last night
the mr bond mixtape i will send u on mediafire just gotta reupload it
Together we shall find our strength.
We already got a good contingent of killers.
Thanks WN
anytime bro
fucking niggers are out in full force today
I had a nice alpha moment when some nut on the street who was harrasing random folk got to me, looked me in the eye and silently went on his way, than I turned to see four women cooing at me and others smiling at the victory.
I feel like fucking now.
mmm yeah that would def do it for me
He was bigger than me as well, a good 6'2 or more.
after your training and stuff hit me up man.. i'll try and get kartouche out also
beh but he was nuts .. so i am sure you could of crushed him
Well that's the thing.
These "crazy" people wise up real fast when they come across someone who isn't buying their con.
What tonight?
No drinking for me lad.
no no
tonight not good , gotta catch up on my IT work
but yeah i mean the weekend or something
i was thinking of doing a bbq maybe at beaver lake
ill bring an ass ton of hamburgers
Oh yeah you meant my Templars thing, no my shoulder blast tonight.
howdy der sturmer
fellow canuck
bubonic whenever dude.. always available
and the mr. bond mixtape is on