Message from @FriendlyFash
Discord ID: 352578342387580949
and then you told him to fuck off ?
bubonic was like
more polite than that
but that would be the jist of it
gist *
haha ok
I was waiting of a tale of battle
nah no battles.
just good goy's drinkin and shooting the shit lol
thats the tale of the battle victory
were you dressed like that ?
hah no , i think that was bubonic
sup kartouche
Yeah it was nice meeting you goys
yeah man had lots of fun
gotta do it again soon
Violence really is a last option for me.
Until then I'm all smiles and diplomacy.
yeah diplomacy is usually where im at
you're the tank , i'm the MG heh
Sounds about right. 😉
I can add buffs
Blessing of Kings!
bubonic btw
has alot of good music we were discussing last night
the mr bond mixtape i will send u on mediafire just gotta reupload it
Together we shall find our strength.
We already got a good contingent of killers.
Thanks WN
anytime bro
fucking niggers are out in full force today
hows everyone's day going?
I had a nice alpha moment when some nut on the street who was harrasing random folk got to me, looked me in the eye and silently went on his way, than I turned to see four women cooing at me and others smiling at the victory.
I feel like fucking now.
mmm yeah that would def do it for me
He was bigger than me as well, a good 6'2 or more.
after your training and stuff hit me up man.. i'll try and get kartouche out also
beh but he was nuts .. so i am sure you could of crushed him