Message from @Kartouche
Discord ID: 352576302282440705
and wearing that vancouver olympic resistance shirt
didnt smell right to me,...
haha wow
he legit just invited himself to sit and started interrogating us and then telling jew tales of shilling and crime
it was a jolly good time
what the
and then you told him to fuck off ?
bubonic was like
more polite than that
but that would be the jist of it
gist *
haha ok
I was waiting of a tale of battle
nah no battles.
just good goy's drinkin and shooting the shit lol
thats the tale of the battle victory
were you dressed like that ?
hah no , i think that was bubonic
sup kartouche
yeah man had lots of fun
gotta do it again soon
Violence really is a last option for me.
Until then I'm all smiles and diplomacy.
yeah diplomacy is usually where im at
Eventually that avenue won't be an option.
These "people" aren't reasonable or rational.
you're the tank , i'm the MG heh
Sounds about right. 😉
I can add buffs
Blessing of Kings!
bubonic btw
has alot of good music we were discussing last night
the mr bond mixtape i will send u on mediafire just gotta reupload it
Together we shall find our strength.
We already got a good contingent of killers.
Thanks WN
anytime bro
fucking niggers are out in full force today
hows everyone's day going?