Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 497975023710109696

2018-10-06 03:07:18 UTC  


2018-10-06 03:07:34 UTC  

They get to return the car, and get bitched out by the commander

2018-10-06 03:07:51 UTC  

i feel sorry for those boys. theyre too young to know what theyre doing, yet old enough to die for their country

2018-10-06 03:08:21 UTC  


2018-10-06 03:08:39 UTC  


2018-10-06 03:09:17 UTC  

i've lived a fullish life, i could go instead but i wouldnt travel or fight nearly as well

2018-10-06 03:10:18 UTC  

men who would die for their children watching their children go fight for them

2018-10-06 03:26:52 UTC

2018-10-06 03:28:11 UTC  

what gender did the dog decide to be

2018-10-06 03:28:24 UTC  


2018-10-06 03:29:04 UTC  

I'm not going to, but i'd have to look up this account to see if this is a troll or not

2018-10-06 03:29:25 UTC  

Looks like a standup comic

2018-10-06 03:30:00 UTC  

aw shit Radeon spotted in public

2018-10-06 03:30:28 UTC  

@Reaps Could be either one <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

2018-10-06 03:31:26 UTC  

hey discord
why no confederate flag emoji

2018-10-06 03:33:44 UTC  


2018-10-06 03:33:55 UTC  

only a lil bit

2018-10-06 03:34:07 UTC  


2018-10-06 03:34:22 UTC  

discord, like Legos, also probly hates the military

2018-10-06 03:34:57 UTC  

you see any soldier emojis, tanks, aircrafts, anything?

2018-10-06 03:35:21 UTC  

it struck me when i was looking at my choices for planes

2018-10-06 03:35:59 UTC  

i went to SC for vacation a long time ago, and i remember there were these guys on a tractor dressed in confederate clothes, and this kid that i was hanging out with climbed on and put on a confederate flag hat, and shouted "i'm a rebel!" no joke, pretty cool people though

2018-10-06 03:36:32 UTC  

in those parts, are the rebels dems or repubs?

2018-10-06 03:36:49 UTC  

Depends on the year

2018-10-06 03:36:52 UTC  

no clue, i was like 13

2018-10-06 03:37:09 UTC  

southerners can be a little racist, but are generally kind

2018-10-06 03:37:42 UTC  

maybe they just think black people are kinda mean <:makes_you_think:382980749780844554>

2018-10-06 03:37:44 UTC

2018-10-06 03:37:45 UTC  

Do libertarian furries even exist any more?

2018-10-06 03:37:57 UTC  

I thought they were fatwa'd all out of the fandom.

2018-10-06 03:38:32 UTC  

always make your argument by pointing out your own mental instability 🤣

2018-10-06 03:38:50 UTC  

i thought *all* furries were libertarian

2018-10-06 03:38:50 UTC  

lol so true

2018-10-06 03:38:52 UTC  

That's pretty exceptional.

2018-10-06 03:39:19 UTC  

Honestly makes me sad that Tubmlr is just like this, because there's one or two cool blogs on there.

2018-10-06 03:39:45 UTC  

the number of times someone said something like "i am really fucked up" to win an argument is insane

2018-10-06 03:39:45 UTC  

Nah, furries are pretty much all antifa berniebros.

2018-10-06 03:39:48 UTC  

depends on if the cancer is at the userbase level or the admin level

2018-10-06 03:40:10 UTC  

its sad when a service is taken over by sociospergs

2018-10-06 03:40:14 UTC  

as users