Message from @Jab

Discord ID: 504911761049124875

2018-10-25 06:22:40 UTC  

dont debate the sick fuck just call FBI <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-10-25 06:30:50 UTC  

@M4Gunner godly Goblin Slayer above all

2018-10-25 06:32:23 UTC

2018-10-25 06:39:25 UTC  

@Knight what up greyfag

2018-10-25 06:52:21 UTC  

I said "I think people who watch lolicon porn are pedos. Change my mind." In a YouTube comment not one person tried too. got 7 replays in 2 hours all of them just tried to justify pedophilic fantasies. #ImFuckingDone #BringOnTheNukes

2018-10-25 06:53:57 UTC  

2018-10-25 06:55:26 UTC

2018-10-25 06:55:42 UTC  

I made no moral statment I simply stated watching lolicon makes you a pedofile if you enjoy it. They all tried to justify pedophillia

2018-10-25 06:56:05 UTC

2018-10-25 06:56:26 UTC  

I'll watch just about anything animated. Taboo or not. It's not real people

2018-10-25 06:56:50 UTC

2018-10-25 06:56:56 UTC  

That is a better response then the shit I got!

2018-10-25 06:57:16 UTC  

one person tried to make the sexual gratification based off of children equivalent to the affection felt by a parent for their child

2018-10-25 06:57:29 UTC  

Lol nah tho

2018-10-25 06:57:37 UTC  

That's fucking bonkers

2018-10-25 06:57:46 UTC  

I told him trying add incest to the mix wouldn't make it better

2018-10-25 06:57:55 UTC

2018-10-25 06:58:09 UTC  

Also no anime delete this

2018-10-25 06:59:01 UTC  

Guro is about as fucked up as I generally go anyway

2018-10-25 06:59:04 UTC  


2018-10-25 06:59:06 UTC  


2018-10-25 07:09:18 UTC  


2018-10-25 07:09:27 UTC  

What’s going on

2018-10-25 07:11:09 UTC  

I'm going to bed it's 1 am YouTube is full of pedo apologists, and people are planting fake bombs.

2018-10-25 07:11:12 UTC  


2018-10-25 07:11:31 UTC  

Yo kids, anarchy is preferable you feel?

2018-10-25 07:13:20 UTC  


2018-10-25 07:16:04 UTC  

dab on them statists

2018-10-25 07:16:05 UTC  

@AsianMessiah my trump impression is impeccable. Ahem... Wrong.

2018-10-25 07:16:31 UTC  
2018-10-25 07:16:35 UTC  
2018-10-25 07:16:41 UTC  


2018-10-25 07:16:51 UTC  

No, it worked very well in ancient Ireland due to the fact it took them over a millenium to invade

2018-10-25 07:17:09 UTC  

Whereas the feudalist England was getting invaded left and right during the same period

2018-10-25 07:17:20 UTC  


2018-10-25 07:17:32 UTC  

You confuse the reason and the era

2018-10-25 07:17:44 UTC  

Ireland wasn't invaded because Ireland sucked balls the time

2018-10-25 07:18:11 UTC  

It took 15 generations of picking stones to make Fields worth planting crops in. Ain't no invading Army got time for that

2018-10-25 07:18:18 UTC  

it is good because ancient ireland wasn't invaded 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽