Message from @Deafmute
Discord ID: 263143795577716747
yo guys ya un bonhomme au marché de noel de la place des arts ! haha
it'll protect us against muslim attacks, that's for sure
Awesome, used your democracy episode to inspire a presentation on democracy.
how did it go?
Got the best grade in class actually
was it political science or something?
My teammate was a fag so I could not show my full power level.
Media de communication
didn't the teacher get triggered?
Basically we did a radio segment on a subject with our own angle.
actually, you have a microphone? we can talk about it in the audio chatroom
On my phone so yeah
Good episode guys, you should definitely do more.
the liberal characters didnt scream racism enough though 😛 -> biological facts are now hate speech
The message says 'there's only 2 genders'
Merrry christmas guys!
Merry Christmas
late merry christmas goyimz
...damn. Can we ask Trump to invade Canada and free us from PM Zoolander?
Maybe, if the Fed doesn't find a way to crash the US economy as a final solution to the "Trump question" Maybe that's something we can hope for in his second term, or perhaps some kind of international free speech agreement.
That's good
Haha, remember the pre-election propaganda about how trump is Hitler, time to bring it back. Cue "The heroes are those who murder Jews!" quote.
Libertarians are such faggots
I tell em we need to remove Communists
They say we need "The free market of ideas"
libertarianism might work in an all white world lmao
I think almost anything would work in that scenario
Playing Warhammer 40k and pretending that the Orks are nogs and that Chaos is jewish.
Lol that is a thing I guess lol, I used to have an army of space Marines and orcs like 15 years ago, no idea where they went
Watching the France new year show
Some bitch says "La diversité fait notre force" or whatever
Fcking fags want to move everybody in Africa to their country.
Dont worry, i have the best feeling about the upcoming year. I think things are only going to get better for us.
DDOS attacks happening on TRS forums, apparently by /pol/ what the fuck.
8pol i mean
Their main complaints were that TRS was raiding 8/pol/ and shilling for members and that kind of pisses 8/pol/ off - along with the fact that TRS never apologized for it.