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K, this is deafmute/Markus from the forum
Is that the poster?
We'll have to make it bilingual here lol
Just gonna leave this little gem I found last year here.
Finally, a normie-friendly Murdoch video. I wonder if they'll realize the subtle sarcasm
>battle for historical truth
Yeah the kind of historical truth that jails and persecutes anyone who dares criticize it.
>biological facts are now hate speech
Welcome to Canada!
Maybe, if the Fed doesn't find a way to crash the US economy as a final solution to the "Trump question" Maybe that's something we can hope for in his second term, or perhaps some kind of international free speech agreement.
Haha, remember the pre-election propaganda about how trump is Hitler, time to bring it back. Cue "The heroes are those who murder Jews!" quote.
DDOS attacks happening on TRS forums, apparently by /pol/ what the fuck.
8pol i mean
Their main complaints were that TRS was raiding 8/pol/ and shilling for members and that kind of pisses 8/pol/ off - along with the fact that TRS never apologized for it.
To me it seems ridiculous that these groups are that much against each other when we should be on the same side.
Neither side is innocent though and there is suspicion of infiltration for the purpose of D&C on both sides.
Sven and Bulbasaur are Doxxed, probably Ghoul too I think
ignore op's faggot pic, the post I was referring to was down the page
Mike Enoch Doxxed?
I was expecting something to be said about the whole recent TRS doxxing from the Shoah this week but there hasn't been any mention of it.
Though Sven did start episode 119 by saying that he bought a gun... could be implicit way of warning people out there who had questionable intentions
So doxxing isn't the "end of the world" it's made out to be?
In MillenialWoes case he had to leave his country, but that's cuck island for you
Ah yeah him, he was even doing interviews
In a way it could be a good thing since it forces outstanding members to have a public position
They don't seem to be too worried about it, after all Freedom Land is probably the best place to be.
True but legally they still have free speech laws in the US. And nyc is too busy kvetching about Trump
Anyway, well see how it plays out. I'll see you next week Zeig, and good work on the debate podcats you've been doing recently
Looks like theyre finally addressing the issue directly now that Mike Enoch got doxxed
Its nice to see Sven is cool with post-dox life, but Mike has some major life choices to re-examine.
So is Pewdiepie redpilled or just trolling? I don't follow him but I always considered him alt-lite
Sounds decent enough for someone with his audience. I should probably start watching some of Pewdiepie's stuff too
That screeching deranged liberal in the green jacket will be the posterchild of the left from now on.
It must be memed
Hmm this one is more like a pure, condensed essence of shitlib all packed into a half-minute clip.
It shows, deep down, what they all ultimately boil down to
The unmitigated patheticness and impotence is disgusting on a visceral level and will help normies see them for what they are.
Also this is fuckin gold.
>"Are you Jewish? You're Jewish!"
*Evil kike laugh*
Goebbels is always right.
>signing executive orders and a waiver to let generals serve in his cabinet despite prohibitions on ex-military tenure
at 7
at I gotta go for now tho
See you guys later
Holy shit that sticker is amazing lol
guaranteed triggering
>everything should be free guys
u some kind of anarchist?
now u trollin
it does help the pajeets we export our jobs to
and at the end of the day, what could be more Canadian than sabotaging your work force to the benefit of others
Don't worry, theyll all flock to Canada
As the US gets better, Canada will have the opposite
the next election can't come soon enough
Hopefully it'll give Trudea enough time to fuck shit up enough that Canadians will finally have enough of his garbage
UH- I mean... That's horribl1
My work is ethnically homogenous and anyone who voiced disapproval of my support for trump now shuts the fuck up
-mostly women
could use a better salary but overall I think it's pretty great
And Zeiger, I liked the 88 minutes podcast u were on, gotta work on that maple syrup boiler
also, how does it feel getting newscucked the day before the happening? #bonhommedidnothingwrong
As the US becomes greater, Canada gets shittier
guess that means no more facebook group
We're literally living in 1984.
This kind of oppressive overreach of government power and silencing free speech is the reason people end up going fuckin nuts and shooting shit up
Just gonna leave this here...
Don't know if posting it on FB will get you V& since Quebec suddenly became a police state
more views
eh, the people who matter do
>implying they wont track your IP/location
>implying our faggot government isnt hiring tons of uber hackers to spy on its own citizens speaking against the narritive
>the point of a healthcare system is to provide heathcare
Well those are the ones who don't put anything into the system and take as much as they can out of it
The whole point is to get people dependent on government control, creating a perpetual underclass of degenerate, immoral, rootless, economic units.
probably not, in Canada at least
The best we can hope for is that Trudeau ends up crashing this country
Well if there are any, they'll most likely be white
eh the chinks have basically taken over
I mean unless Canada goes full fash and "reposesses" all assets owned by foreign interests
Redistributing it to the native people of Vancouver - if any are left
Well the chinks know how to abuse capitalism for their own gain
And thats why the only way to beat them is by not playing the capitalism game because they will simply win- every time - due to their infinite source of chinese money
China is raping africa just like theyre taking advantage of us Canadians.
He's doing it by not using capitalism, but my imposing /nationalist/ policies - and rightfully so- because a nation's priority should be its own people
but that isn't "pure" free market capitalism by definition
of course
inb4 their false flags inspre rwds and military coup
That video from Love Life Anarchy is pretty fuckin great, gonna watch the rest of the series
Kind of ironic that he goes full fash with a channel like that, maybe he was an ex an-cap who finally redpilled himself
Still, that means his vids can be good stepping stones for people to understand the situation
It was a negress, actually
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