Message from @Albo-HAMMERBRO
Discord ID: 259887065309642752
I don't know if there's a connection but there is definitely a correlation between being red pulled about two years ago and what seems to a complete loss of interest for everything
Guys look up the lyrics to "Beware" by Death Grips.
Tell me that ain't Fashy
Don't forget, guys, tonight is meeting night
it's a pinned messaged, at the top of the window
click on the pin
Will try to make it. If I do its at like 1030
Won't be able to make it
Girlfriend gave me gastro
Just gonna leave this little gem I found last year here.
i sent it to enoch, thanks
I wanna go in the oven!! Nice get together at Z's, thanks for the hospitality.. Also just because so many were mentioning the subway kicker; turns out it was a gypsy
And in case anyone missed the holiday video
brings a tear to my eye
Finally, a normie-friendly Murdoch video. I wonder if they'll realize the subtle sarcasm
I know its sarcasm but all it did was piss me off lol
Beautiful video. Brought tears to my eyes.
That Kangz meme nevers gets old.
Something crazy just happened
I met the youngest Rizzuto at Mt-royal metro
They're dead
You know the Rizzuto mafia right?
Yeah well the youngest son just came back from Afghanistan
And I met him at Mt-royal metro
He was drunk as fuck
you talked to him?
He came at my place
He bought wine for my mum
You know that church next to Mt-royal metro? He told me he used to go there with his brother or cousin Niccollo.
sounds like dangerous people to get involved with